NAV Navbar
json (v1) json (v1.1) shell javascript
  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • MVPD TV cable login
  • User Profile Management
  • Images
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  • Horoscopes Compatibility
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  • Astro User Relations
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  • For You
  • Introduction

    VICE provides a simple and powerful REST API to integrate its platform into your application.

    This API reference provides information on available endpoints and how to interact with them.

    Please visit our Getting Started doc for information on important resources and concepts, authentication, and recommended access patterns.


    All GET endpoints which return an object list support pagination with pagination information in the headers. This means that to get all objects, you need to paginate through the results.

    Default limit is set to 10 but values up to 25 are permitted. Due to permissions and access level control, the response list might in some cases return less objects than specified by the limit parameter. This is normal behaviour and should be expected.

    The result list is in descending order by default (newest item first) but it can be reversed by supplying order=-:field instead, where field represents the order you want to sort by, please refer to the specific resource to discover possible values.

    Optional arguments

    Parameter Description
    per_page Number Number of results per call. Accepted values: 0 - 25. Default 10
    page Number An offset for use in pagination. page is the current offset times the count of items you want to start with.
    published_at String Fetch list of items based on a given date range. Possible values are a string separated by a comma in the format of YYYYMMDD e.g. 20171201,20171231, or {number}_{unit} compared to current time e.g. 12_hours (sets the start time as 12 hours ago, end time now)

    Request context

    VICE operates a global editorial and contains multiple channels (verticals). Every client is provided with a default context (site, locale and publish state), the following parameters allow VICE clients to request data for specific context to display listed objects or individual items.

    If you request a context thats beyond the scope of your client you will recieve a 401.

    Optional arguments

    Parameter Description
    site String site name, see sites for more details and possible values
    locale String locale locale_fragment, see locales for more details and possible values
    status Number published status, most clients will have this set to published only. Refer to content policies for more details

    Feed Visibility

    Feed visibility describes where an object should be listed, it contains the following are the definitions:

    Optional arguments

    Parameter Description
    feedvisibility Boolean Get a list of public objects, true for public and false for unlisted
    embed Boolean Include embed only objects


    Each resource that you can retrieve through the API supports a set of filters for limiting the result set. For example, by using the &web_id=<some_string> filter, you can limit the result set to only include articles with the given web_id (which, in this case, will be at most 1 article).

    All filters in the API support comma-separated lists and logical negation. Comma-separated lists are filters like &web_id=aaa,bbb,ccc, which in this case would limit the result set to those three articles. Logical negation is possible by prefixing a filter with not_. For example, using the filter &not_web_id=aaa,bbb,ccc would retrieve all articles except the specified three.

    Optional arguments

    Parameter Description
    :field String field to filter by, see specific resource for possible values. Replace :field for proper property
    not_:field String exclude field value from results, see specific resource for possible values. Replace :field for proper property


    When we make backwards-incompatible changes to the API, we release new, dated versions.

    To set the API version on a specific request, send a X-Vice-Version header on all calls.

    The format of the version should be YYYY-MM-DD, this can be the current date where changes where made in the client and it does not have to match a specific version in the API changelog


    VICE uses JWT tokens for authentication, and follows the OAUTH 2.0 protocol

    Token types

    Security considerations

    Refresh tokens should be stored securely. If a refresh token is leaked, it can be used to generate new acccess tokens until is blacklisted or expires (usually more than 30 days). Access tokens should also be kept secure but considerations are less strict since they are short-lived

    Application-Only Authentication

    Allows for applications to obtain a Bearer token which can be used to make API requests without a user context. This token can be generating by using the client credentials method

    Tokens can be invalidated using DELETE /token.

    Tokens received by this method should be cached. If attempted too frequently, requests will be rejected with a HTTP 429

    Authorization Request header field

    The access token can be sent in the Authorization request header defined by HTTP/1.1 [RFC2617], the client should use the Bearer authentication scheme to transmit the access token.

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM"
    const rp = require('request-promise');
    const basicAuth = Buffer.from(`${:clientId}:${:clientSecret}`).toString('base64');
    const options = {
      uri: ``,
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Basic ${basicAuth}`,
      .then((res) => {
        // API response
      .catch((err) => {
        // API call failed...

    The syntax of the Authorization header field for this scheme follows the usage of the Basic scheme defined in Section 2 of [RFC2617].

    The client credentials can be also sent in the Authorization header in the base64(client:secret) form.

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Basic YmVhdTpiZWF1

    User Authentication and Registration

    In addition to generating a token using your client credentials, you can also create and login new users. These users will be associated with your client id and will be able to make requests to the API using their own tokens.

    For an example of how to use the user signin API calls see

    Logging in with external provider

    We currently support three external login providers: google, facebook, and okta (for internal users only, and the only ones currently with more than readonly access).

    To login with one of these providers you make a request to: GET<provider>?client_id=<client_id>&redirect_url=<redirect_url>

    This will return a 302 redirect which you should redirect the user to where they will be taken through the given provider's authentication process at the end of which the user will be brought back to the passed in "redirect_url" with the user's access_token added to the hash.

    In addition to setting your token in the Authorization header of a request, if your client is configured with the cookie_name setting, then upon login the user will have their token set to the to the SB_SID cookie. Subsequent requests sent to the API with this cookie will automatically be authenticated.

    Invalidating token

    To invalidate a client's token you can hit: GET

    Which will add the token to a blacklist and subsequent requests with this token will fail

    Associating account with another login strategy

    By default logging in from different providers with the same verified email address will merge the login strategies to one account. However, if you want to associate a user's account with another login provider that may not have the same email then you can send them to the /v1/authorize route with their SB_SID cookie set. If they make the final callback to the API server with their user token provided then the new login strategy will be added to their user.

    Registering and logging in with email/password

    A new user can be created with an email/password login strategy by sending JSON formatted POST request:

    POST with the a data payload of the format: json { "email": "", "password": "", }

    An email will be sent to the user with a confirmation link after which their account will be verified and they can login with:

    POST json { "email": "", "password": "", "grant_type": "password", }

    If a custom confirmation landing page is being used, the user's confirmation token can be passed to the following endpoint:


    To have the user's token confirmed and have their email login activated.

    Checking if email has been verified

    You can check to see if a user has a verified email by hitting: GET json { "verified": true }

    An email confirmation can be resent

    A confirmation email can be resent to an email address, if that address has been registered and not already verified, with: A new user can be created with an email/password login strategy by sending JSON formatted POST request: POST json { "email": "", }

    Resetting password

    To trigger a password reset email send a: POST with a data payload of the format json { "email": "" }

    A password reset email will then be sent to the passed in email address with a one-time link allowing the user to change their password

    MVPD TV cable login

    The following refers to the workflow for cable login authentication. For all mvpd requests the device id will be required

    Get codes page

    Genereates the code with the steps required for login

    GET<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/codes

      "id": "8a574ebf-9896-4138-981a-5620f4c35c14",
      "code": "XRMW5Z5",
      "requestor": "VICELAND",
      "generated": 1544813174336,
      "expires": 1544814974336,
      "deviceId": "MzIxMzIxMzIxMzIxMzEyMw==",
      "registrationURL": ""

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the generated code 8a574ebf-9896-4138-981a-5620f4c35c14
    code string false code required to login XRMW5Z5
    requestor string false Identificator used to login with cable providers VICELAND
    generated number false Timestamp when the code was generated 1544813174336
    expires number false Timestamp when the code will expire 1544814974336
    deviceId string false base64 encoded device id MzIxMzIxMzIxMzIxMzEyMw==
    registrationURL string false URL the user needs to go to login with cable credentials


    GET<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/authenticate

    While the user is has the authorization code, the client should follow the data-poll-interval passed to request in intervals if authorization has been granted. This should also be done on app start up to check if device id has logged in already. This will return a 404 if no code found

      "expires": "1546021231000",
      "mvpd": "Cablevision",
      "requestor": "VICELAND",
      "userId": "c2e7b65554e83a4ddecb83decf7b95dc"

    Playback authorization

    Before each playback the client should make a request to the api to retrieve a playback token.

    GET<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/authorize

    If a 403 is returned with noAuthz code given, this means the user has no access from the tv provider to access the content

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    title string Title of the video to playback Wee%20Week
    guid string id of the item to playback `057a204088cb727dec794c67f
    rating string TV rating of the item TV-ML


    GET<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/logout

    Remove session from a device

    Reset temp pass

    DELETE<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/reset-tempass

    Resets adobe temp pass

    Get media token

    GET<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/mediatoken

    Retrieve a media token from adobe.

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    title string Title of the video to playback Wee%20Week
    guid string id of the item to playback `057a204088cb727dec794c67f
    rating string TV rating of the item TV-ML

    Get authorization token

    GET<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/authz

    Retrieve an authorization token from adobe.

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    title string Title of the video to playback Wee%20Week
    guid string id of the item to playback `057a204088cb727dec794c67f
    rating string TV rating of the item TV-ML

    Get user metadata

    GET<API version>/mvpd/devices/:device-id/usermetadata

    Retrieve an authorization token from adobe.

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type
    appId string
    deviceUser string

    User Profile Management

    The /me route and its subroutes can be used to manage user identity and profiles of different contexts associated with the user. The use of these endpoints requires that your request be associated with a user.

    Get User and Client Info

    Get the user and client information associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request



    Astro Profile

    Profile management for the astro profile associated with the passed in token.

    Get Astro Profile

    Get the astro profile associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request


        "id": "5c183708e775d306c377dcf5",
        "place_of_birth": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "date_of_birth": {
            "year": 1992,
            "month": 5,
            "day": 5
        "time_of_birth": {
            "hours": 12,
            "minutes": 30
        "phone_number": "(217) 555-1234",
        "astrology_data": {
            "asc": "09’30",
            "moon": "09’30",
            "sun": "09’30"
        "sun_sign_override": "leo",
        "zodiac": {
            "sun": "leo",
            "moon": "taurus",
            "asc": "scorpio"
        // The values in the `user` field are global to
        // the Vice ecosystem and are shared with other services.
        // Additionally, they may be autofilled by logging in with
        // a third-party provider
        "user": {
            "first_name": "CJ",
            "last_name": "DiMaggio",
            "gender": "male",
            "timezone": -4
        "created_at": "2018-12-17T23:53:44.916Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-18T01:39:13.792Z"

    Update Astro Profile

    Update the astro profile associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request

    PATCH with a payload of application/json data.

    // Updatable fields
        "place_of_birth": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "date_of_birth": {
            "year": 1992,
            "month": 5,
            "day": 5
        "time_of_birth": {
            "hours": 12,
            "minutes": 30
        "phone_number": "(217) 555-1234",
        "sun_sign_override": "leo",
        "user": {
            "first_name": "CJ",
            "last_name": "DiMaggio",
            "gender": "male",
            "timezone": -4,
            "new_email": "",
            "new_password": "newpassword",
            "password": "currentpassword"

    VICE Profile

    Profile management for and mobile app profile associated with the passed in token. This profile will allow users to follow their favorite sections. More functionality and settings expected to come later this year.

    Get VICE Profile

    Get the VICE profile associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request


        "following": {
                    "socials": {
                        "email_newsletter_weekly": null,
        "user": {

    Update VICE Profile

    Update the VICE profile associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request

    PATCH with a payload of application/json data.

    //Updatable fields
        "following": {
        "user": {
            "email": "",
            "password": "testingTesting12345"

    Follow a New Entity

    This endpoint allows a user to follow a new single entity. Right now, the only type that a user is able to follow is sections, but in the future we will open this up to contributors, topics, etc.

    HTTP Request




    Images are used to add grphics to API resources, they can be attached as body content or lede images. Image types can be:


    Manipulation parameters

    VICE image service allows you manipulate an image dynamically base on query params. If a parameter is passed multiple times, only the last one will take effect. Order of parameters does not matter, they're always processed in the same order.

    Crop Parameters


    All variables are integer values, and an x,y value set of 0,0 represents the top left corner of the crop. If x and y are set to *,* then will be automatically centered. Both width and height can be integer values representing pixels, however they can also use decimal values, such as 0.5xw:h, which yields 50% of the width at the original height. Some special string values are also valid: center, top, right, left, bottom.

    Resize Parameter


    All variables are integer values. If width is left as w, the image will maintain the original width. If height is left as h, the image will maintain the original height.

    Output Quality Parameter


    Output quality value can range 1-100, where 1 is very low quality and 100 is the highest. If output-quality parameter is used together with crop or resize, the output format will be jpeg, unleass overriden with output-format paramter.

    Gravity Parameter


    Gravity can be used to determine the origin for the crop parameters, similar to how ImageMagick handles gravity. Valid values are: 1(North), 2(East), 3(South), 4(West), 5(Northeast), 6(Southeast), 7(Southwest), 8(Northwest). Passing any other value, or not passing gravity at all, will result in the default setting of center. You may also use the following string keys (case insensitive): north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, center.

    Output Format Parameter


    Format to use for output. Valid values are: jpeg, png, webp. If none passed, will us the original format of the image.

    Info parameters

    ?info-source=[input|output|all] ; defaults to 'all'

    Can be used to output information instead of image. Parameters are info-format, info-fields, info-source. You need to pass a valid info-format to switch output to info mode. Valid values are:

    Info format scalar will only output a single field. If multiple fields are passed, the first one will be output. Info fields width, height use unitless integer values corresponding to pixels. Info source specifies if the information should be read from the input image, from the output image, or from both images. If there are no additional image operations passed, or image manipulation is skipped for some reason, both values will result in the same output. If input is passed, image operations are skipped, even if corresponding parameters are passed. 'input' and 'output' information will be accessible on the corresponding object property in object output formats (json). All fields may have a value of null. Format can be on of JPEG, PNG or WEBP.


    Let's start with this original image:

    Now, let's add some parameters to this new image. We'll set the output-quality to 75

    Now, let's set the image to display at just 100px wide, while preserving the height, still at 75% quality

    This URL will resize the image to be 50px tall but preserving the width, now set to only 25% quality:

    Now let's crop the image to 25% of the width, cropped from the middle of the image with *,*:;*,*

    The following will run the same crop at 25% of the width, but will start from the top left of the image with 0,0:;0,0

    Image object

    Properties and details about image objects

      "id": "59931ea5b4d6b4437e108e43",
      "article_id": null,
      "video_id": null,
      "linkout_id": null,
      "contributor_id": null,
      "topic_id": null,
      "page_id": null,
      "show_id": null,
      "channel_id": null,
      "site_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "feature_id": null,
      "homepage_carousel_item_id": null,
      "base_id": null,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": "",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": "",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": "",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": "",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": "",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": "",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": "",
      "url": "",
      "image_type": "lede",
      "default": true,
      "host": "",
      "filename": "1502813860687-1502394965304-1486143918785-HOTY-lead-image_2000x1125_only.jpeg",
      "filesize": 0,
      "path": "topics/5886b75ce47a7e45874c0bd8/lede/",
      "width": 2000,
      "height": 1125,
      "hash": null,
      "crop_16_9": "1xw:1xh;center,center",
      "crop_10_4": "1xw:0.7111xh;0xw,0.1093xh",
      "crop_10_3": "1xw:0.5387xh;0xw,0.1911xh",
      "crop_1_1": "0.517xw:0.9191xh;0.2425xw,0xh",
      "crop_1940_1080": "1xw:0.9896907216494846xh;center,center",
      "crop_1844_530": "1xw:0.5109664979513137xh;center,center",
      "crop_2_3": "0.375xw:1xh;center,center",
      "crop_7_10": "0.39375xw:1xh;center,center",
      "crop_952_498": "1xw:0.9299719887955181xh;center,center",
      "credit": null,
      "alt_text": null,
      "caption": null,
      "vms_lede": null,
      "locale_scope": 1,
      "created_at": 1502813861079,
      "updated_at": 1502813861268

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>/<Image type>

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    article_id string true ID of the article attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    video_id string true ID of the video attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    contributor_id string true ID of the contributor attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    linkout_id string true ID of the contributor attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    topic_id string true ID of the topic attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    page_id string true ID of the page attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    show_id string true ID of the show attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    channel_id string true ID of the channel attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    collection_id string true ID of the collection attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    feature_id string true ID of the feature attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    module_id string true ID of the module attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    base_id string true ID of the base attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    alt_text string true The text to be used in the alt attribute for an img tag The L Train
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    host string false Host where image is localed
    filesize number false Size in bytes of the image 35432
    width number false Original image width 2000
    height number false Original image height 1125
    hash string true deprecated null
    vms_lede string true deprecated null
    default boolean fakse VICE keeps track of all images uploaded into the system, this flag represents which image is active attached to the resource false
    image_type enum('tv_background','apple_tv_background','apple_tv_banner','card','card_landscape','lede','logo','badge','gallery-image','social_lede') false image type lede
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    crop_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false crop string of the possible crops by ratio (width_height) 1xw:0.7111xh;0xw,0.1093xh
    locale_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping, for internal use only 1
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1521486871766
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1521486871766

    Create image

    Creates and uploads image object

    HTTP Request

    POST<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>/<Image type>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1

    POST<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>/<Image type>

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9051914041544843365972754266
    Content-Length: 554
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="caption"
    text caption
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="a.jpeg"
    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    Content of a.jpeg.

    Supported Content-Types are:

    Optional encodings are also supported:

    Parameter and Type Description Required
    image_type enum('tv_background', 'apple_tv_background','apple_tv_banner','card','card_landscape','lede','logo','badge','gallery-image','social_lede') image type, send in the url true
    crop_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string crop string of the possible crops by ratio (width_height) false
    caption string Lede image caption false
    credit string Lede image credit false
    cover_json string Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only false
    file stream File to be uploaded, see above for supported content types and encodings true

    Update image

    Update image object metadata

    HTTP Request

    PATCH<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>/<Image type> PATCH<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>

    PATCH<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>/<Image type>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        credit: 'test credit'

    image objects can also be updated when sending a resource create or request e.g.

    PATCH<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        ...article data
        lede: {
            credit: 'test credit'
    Parameter and Type Description Required
    crop_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string crop string of the possible crops by ratio (width_height) false
    caption string Lede image caption false
    credit string Lede image credit false
    alt_text string The text to be used in the alt attribute for an img tag false
    cover_json string Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only false

    Delete image

    Removes image from resource

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource ID>/<Image type>

    Upload image

    General upload image route, mainly used for body content

    HTTP Request

    POST<API version>/upload

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1

    POST<API version>/<API resource>/upload

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9051914041544843365972754266
    Content-Length: 554
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="a.jpeg"
    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    Content of a.jpeg.

    Supported Content-Types are:

    Optional encodings are also supported:

    Parameter and Type Description Required
    file stream File to be uploaded, see above for supported content types and encodings true


    Components on VICE API allows editors and affiliates to create beautiful and feature full articles within the VICE network. Its heavily based and copied from Apple news components

    The following properties apply to every component

    Required properties

    Property and type Description
    role string The role of a component (for example, title, body, or pullquote) conveys the semantic value of the content or its function within the article overall.
    id String A unique identifier for this component. If used, identifier must be unique across the entire document. An identifier is required if you want to anchor other components to this component. See Anchor. This property is self-assigned when creating a new component.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    anchor Anchor An anchor object that aligns this component with another component.
    animation Component Animation A component animation object that applies an animation effect, such as a Fade-In Animation, to this component.
    behavior Behavior A behavior object that applies a motion effect or other physics effect, such as Parallax or Springy.
    contentDisplay Collection Display Defines how child components are positioned within this aside component. For example, this property can allow for displaying child components side-by-side and can make sure they are sized equally.
    layout Component Layout An inline component layout object that contains layout information.
    style Component Style An inline component style object that defines the appearance of this component.

    Get Components

    Returns the components for the specified resource.

    GET /v1.1/[resource]/[resource_hex_id]/components

       "id": 1,
       "role": "body",
       "text": "Another updated body",
       "id": 2,
       "role": "quote",
       "text": "A quote from a source",
       "id": 3,
       "role": "image",
       "URL": "",
       "caption": "A new caption",

    Create Components

    Creates and/or replaces the components for the given resource id.

    POST /v1.1/[resource]/[resource_hex_id]/components

    // Example Payload
       "id": 1,
       "role": "body",
       "text": "*This* is the body\n\nof the article",
       "id": 2,
       "role": "quote",
       "text": "A quote from a source",
       "id": 3,
       "role": "image",
       "URL": "",
       "caption": "An article's image",

    Update Component

    Updates an existing item within the resource’s components, identified by the “id” field

    PATCH /v1.1/[resource]/[resource_hex_id]/components/[component_hex_id]

    // Example payload
       "caption": "An updated caption",

    Delete Component

    Deletes a component from the resource's components array

    DELETE /v1.1/[resource]/[resource_hex_id]/components/[component_hex_id] {


    This appendix describes how VICE components uses a subset of Markdown syntax. To learn more about Markdown, visit this Markdown website.

    Embed Article

    A component that displays a related vice article.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role article.
    id String The id of the article to display.
      "role": "article",
      "id": "59811011570463072f5115ee"


    Add a song to your article. The music component plays an audio file. You can also display cover art or another image that represents the music.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role audio.
    URL String The URL of an audio file (HTTPS only). Only MP3, AAC, ALAC, HE-AAC audio formats are supported.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the audio file.
    explicitContent Boolean Indicates that the audio may contain explicit content.
    imageURL String The URL of an image file (HTTPS only) that represents the audio file, such as a cover image. See image guidelines for requirements
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the video. This text can be shown when the audio cannot be played.
      "role": "music",
      "URL": "",
      "imageURL": "",
      "caption": "Cosmic-Karmic by Retake Chorus"

    Banner advertisements always span the full width of the display. An advertisement can appear inside a Container only if the container is full-width.


    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role banner_advertisement.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    bannerType String The type of banner to show. Valid values: any (Default), standard, double_height, large
        "role": "banner_advertisement",
        "bannerType": "standard"


    This component contains body text. An article can have multiple body components.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role body.
    text String The text, you can also use a subset of Markdown defined in the markdown section

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    textStyle Inline Text Style Either an inline component text style object that contains styling information, or a string reference to a component text style object. See Text Style for more details.
      "role": "body",
      "text": "[News]( collects all the stories you want to read, from top news sources, based on topics you’re most interested in — so you no longer need to move from app to app to stay informed. News also combines the **rich and immersive design** found in print with the interactivity of digital media, letting you enjoy stunningly *crafted articles* that reflect the style of the publications they come from."


    Defines a horizontal line that can be used to visually divide parts of the article.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role divider.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    stroke Stroke Style Stroke properties to apply to the horizontal line.
      "role": "divider",
      "stroke": {
        "color": "#FFC800",
        "width": 2

    Embed Web Video

    A component that displays an embeddable web video from an external source like YouTube or Vimeo.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role embedwebvideo.
    URL String The URL of the embeddable video to display (the YouTube or Vimeo embed link, HTTPS only). The embed URL is usually different from the standard video URL.
    aspectRatio Float The aspect ratio of the video: width divided by height. The aspect ratio determines the height of the video player.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    explicitContent Boolean Indicates that the video may contain explicit content.
    imageURL String The URL of an image file (HTTPS only) that represents the video file, such as a cover image. See image guidelines for requirements
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the video. This text can be shown when the video cannot be played.
    autoplay Boolean Determine if video should autoplay when in view
      "role": "embedwebvideo",
      "aspectRatio": 1.777,
      "URL": "",
      "caption": "Apple - WWDC 2015"

    Facebook Post

    Embed a Facebook post into an article.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role facebook_post.
    URL String The URL of the Facebook post you want to embed. URLs for Facebook posts must include the identifier for the post. Following is an example of a Facebook post URL:

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the audio file.
    explicitContent Boolean Indicates that the audio may contain explicit content.
    imageURL String The URL of an image file (HTTPS only) that represents the audio file, such as a cover image. See image guidelines for requirements
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the video. This text can be shown when the audio cannot be played.
      "role": "facebook_post",
      "URL": ""

    A gallery component displays a sequence of images. Use this component for sequences of images where the ordering of the items is important to the story.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role gallery.
    items Array of Image An array of the images that will appear in the gallery. The order used in the array may affect layout and positioning in the gallery, depending on the gallery type. Gallery items may be JPEG (with .jpg or .jpeg extension) or PNG.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the gallery.
    type String display type of gallery, horizontal or mosaic.
    imageURL String The URL of an image file (HTTPS only) that represents the gallery file, such as a cover image. See image guidelines for requirements. If none provided the first image on the gallery will be used.
      "role": "gallery",
      "items": [
          "role": "image",
          "URL": "",
          "caption": "Thanks to the record drought, mountain lions have begun to descend from the peaks, sometimes into urban settings."
          "role": "image",
          "URL": "",
          "caption": "Coyotes are also seen in cities more often."
          "role": "image",
          "URL": "",
          "explicitContent": true


    Embed an iframe from an external source.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role iframe.
    URL String The URL of the embeddable iframe to display (HTTPS only)
    aspectRatio Float The aspect ratio of the iframe: width divided by height. The aspect ratio determines the height of the iframe.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    explicitContent Boolean Indicates that the iframe may contain explicit content.
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the iframe.
      "role": "iframe",
      "aspectRatio": 1.777,
      "URL": "",
      "caption": "Apple - WWDC 2015"


    Image component for displaying JPEG or PNG images.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role image.
    URL String The URL of an image file (HTTPS only). See image guidelines for requirements
    aspectRatio Float The aspect ratio of the image: width divided by height. The aspect ratio determines the height of the iframe.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    caption String A caption that describes the image.
    explicitContent Boolean Indicates that the image may contain explicit content.
      "role": "image",
      "aspectRatio": 1.777,
      "URL": "",
      "caption": "Thanks to the record drought, mountain lions have begun to descend from the peaks, sometimes into urban settings."


    With the Instagram component, you can embed an Instagram post in an article.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role instagram.
    URL String The URL of the Instagram post you want to embed.
      "role": "instagram",
      "URL": ""


    Embed an oembed object.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role String This component always has the role oembed.
    oEmbedId String The ID of the oembed object
    oEmbed Oembed response Object Response provided from oembed api call
    html String html containing embed object

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    explicitContent Boolean Indicates that the oembed may contain explicit content.
    caption String A caption that describes the content of the oembed.
      "role": "oembed",
      "oEmbedId": "kz7c191",
      "oEmbed": {
        "id": "kz7c191",
        "url": "",
        "type": "video",
        "version": "1.0",
        "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
        "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
        "author_url": "",
        "provider_name": "YouTube",
        "description": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video) - Listen On Spotify:\nDownload Rick's Number 1 album \"50\" -\n\nBuy On iTunes:\nAmazon:\n\nFollow Rick Astley\nWebsite:\nTwitter:\nFacebook:\nInstagram:\n\n\nLyrics\n\nWe're no strangers to love\nYou know the rules and so do I\nA full commitment's what I'm thinking of\nYou wouldn't get this from any other guy\n\nI just wanna tell you how I'm feeling\nGotta make you understand\n\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\n\nWe've known each other for so long\nYour heart's been aching, but\nYou're too shy to say it\nInside, we both know what's been going on\nWe know the game and we're gonna play it\n\nAnd if you ask me how I'm feeling\nDon't tell me you're too blind to see\n\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\n\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\n\n(Ooh, give you up)\n(Ooh, give you up)\nNever gonna give, never gonna give\n(Give you up)\nNever gonna give, never gonna give\n(Give you up)\n\nWe've known each other for so long\nYour heart's been aching, but\nYou're too shy to say it\nInside, we both know what's been going on\nWe know the game and we're gonna play it\n\nI just wanna tell you how I'm feeling\nGotta make you understand\n\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\n\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\n\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\nBest of Rick Astley:\nSubscribe here:",
        "thumbnail_url": "",
        "thumbnail_width": 1280,
        "thumbnail_height": 720,
        "html": "<div><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;\"><iframe data-img data-iframely-url=\"//\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div>",
        "cache_age": 86400
      "html": "<div><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;\"><iframe data-img data-iframely-url=\"//\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div>",
      "caption": "Apple - WWDC 2015"

    Pull Quote

    A pullquote is usually an excerpt from the body text. It generally duplicates that text in a format that increases its visibility. Pull quotes are often used to break up long portions of text or to draw attention to the body text near the pull quote.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role pullquote.
    text String The text, you can also use a subset of Markdown defined in the markdown section

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    textStyle Inline Text Style Either an inline component text style object that contains styling information, or a string reference to a component text style object. See Text Style for more details.
      "role": "pullquote",
      "text": "It didn't feel like basketball; it felt like dancing."


    The text of a quotation. Unlike a Pull Quote, a quote is usually not duplicated content.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role quote.
    text String The text, you can also use a subset of Markdown defined in the markdown section

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    textStyle Inline Text Style Either an inline component text style object that contains styling information, or a string reference to a component text style object. See Text Style for more details.
      "role": "quote",
      "text": "*New York City's* finest are under increased scrutiny."


    Embeds a Twitter tweet in an article.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role tweet.
    URL String The URL of the tweet you want to embed.
      "role": "tweet",
      "URL": ""

    Embed Vice Video

    A component that displays an embeddable vice video.

    Required Properties

    Property and type Description
    role string This component always has the role video.
    id String The id of the embeddable video to display.

    Optional properties

    autoplay Boolean | Determine if video should autoplay when in view

      "role": "video",
      "id": "59811011570463072f5115ee"

    Component Styles

    These are optional style fields common to all components that can be embedded in other components to modify how the it will be rendered.

    Component animations

    The componentAnimation object defines an animation for a specific component.

    Required properties

    Property and type Description
    animation String Identifier for pre-defined animation type which implementors can define animation strategies for

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    jsonParams Object Object of params applications can read to modify the animation.
      "role": "body",
      "text": "Hello, World",
      "animation": {
        "animation": "ease-from-left",
        "jsonParams": {
          "speed": 5

    Component layout

    The componentLayouts object defines a layout for a specific component.

    Required properties

    Property and type Description
    layout String Identifier name to layout, that applications can read to render component in a specific already pre-defined layout.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    horizontalContentAlignment String Sets the alignment of the content within the component. This property applies only when the width of the content is less than the width of the component. Valid values: center (default), left, right


    For possible component styles please refer to


    An anchor object anchors one component (origin) to another component (target). An anchor can be used to align components vertically. It can also be used to position a child component within its parent container.

    Required properties

    Property and type Description
    position String Sets the anchor point in the target component, relative to the originPosition. Possible values are top (the top of the target component should be aligned with or near the originPosition), center(the middle of the target component should be aligned with or near the originPosition),

    bottom (the bottom of the target component should be aligned with or near the originPosition). target String | The identifier of the component to anchor to.

    Optional properties

    Property and type Description
    originPosition String Sets which point in the origin component will get anchored to the target component. The originating anchor will be positioned as closely as possible to the intended. If this property is omitted, the value of targetAnchorPosition will be used.
      "targetComponentIdentifier": "58477f15b00378023674c967",
      "targetAnchorPosition": "bottom",
      "originAnchorPosition": "bottom"


    A base is a metada object attached to object containg basic information like content and title, metadata attached to base can be scoped to different locales

    Base Object

    Fecth base details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/base/<ID>

      "id": "5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e",
      "article_id": "5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a",
      "video_id": null,
      "contributor_id": null,
      "topic_id": null,
      "page_id": null,
      "show_id": null,
      "channel_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "module_id": null,
      "vmp_url": null,
      "title": "Jordan Clarkson Believes Giant Humans Kept Dinosaurs as Pets",
      "slug": "jordan-clarkson-believes-giant-humans-kept-dinosaurs-as-pets",
      "display_body": "<p>The Road Trippin' podcast with Richard Jefferson, Channing Frye, and Cleveland Cavaliers sideline reporter Allie Clifton is apparently the place to go if you're an NBA player looking to unload some seriously off-the-wall takes. Just over one year ago, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Kyrie Irving appeared</a> to tell everyone he thought the earth was flat. </p><p>He has since become sort of the poster boy for flat earthers across the, uh, globe, and even <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">shares some dank memes</a> about it on Instagram. Not wanting to be left out off the Guards Who Proffer Batshit Opinions About Science and the World While Playing for the Cavs list, Jordan Clarkson has a take: Humans were once giants who kept dinosaurs as pets.</p><p>It's true. That Clarkson thinks this, that is. It is certifiably not true that Earth was once lousy with a bunch of Fred Flintstones and Dino the Dinosaurs.</p><p>The relevant part of the interview begins with things that another co-host, D.J. Montage, does not believe in. One of them is Elvis (that's probably worth another blog). The other is dinosaurs, which sets Clarkson off. First he says he doesn't believe in dinosaurs at all. Then he \"corrects\" himself and says they were actually dogs for, like, 75-foot-tall humans. </p><p class=\"article__blockquote\">Clarkson: I don’t believe in dinosaurs either. Well, actually I do. I believe that, OK this is going to get a little bit crazy. I’m gonna take y’all a little left on this. Y’all know how we got dogs and stuff, right? So I think it was bigger people on the world before us, and like the dinosaurs was they pets.</p><p class=\"article__blockquote\">[lots of incredulous laughing and jokes about dinosaurs on leashes]</p> <p class=\"article__blockquote\">Montage: So how big were these people?</p> <p class=\"article__blockquote\">Clarkson: Well, you look at a dinosaur, they gotta be three times bigger than them.</p><p class=\"article__blockquote\">Montage: Where are their bones?</p><p class=\"article__blockquote\">Clarkson: Mmmhmmm.</p><p>I really recommend you listen to it to hear the satisfied \"mmhmm\" at the end. It all goes down at around the 40 minute mark.</p><p>But just to set the record straight, this theory presupposes a few things we know are not even in the same geographic period with correct. First, that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Scientist estimate that dinosaurs went extinct <i>66 million years ago.</i> Homo sapiens—modern humans—<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">evolved roughly 200,000</a> years ago. Not quite a robust Missed Connections section going on here.</p><p>Second, that not only did humans roam primordial earth with dinosaurs, but that they towered over them. I really don't think this needs to be said but, to date, no one has ever found a fossilized human femur the size of an apartment building. And lastly, that dinosaurs would not absolutely rip that giant bone off your leg if you tried to put a leash on it.<br></p><p>Anyway, skip tonight's game and just wait until Wednesday, when Cleveland plays Toronto. </p>",
      "display_title": "Jordan Clarkson Believes Giant Humans Kept Dinosaurs as Pets",
      "locale_scope": 1,
      "created_at": 1521486871766,
      "updated_at": 1521489650366,
      "embed_code": "<div data-video-url=\"\"><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;\"><iframe data-img src=\"\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div>",
      "autoplay": false,
      "word_count": 470

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    article_id string true ID of the article attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    video_id string true ID of the video attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    contributor_id string true ID of the contributor attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    topic_id string true ID of the topic attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    page_id string true ID of the page attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    show_id string true ID of the show attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    channel_id string true ID of the channel attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    collection_id string true ID of the collection attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    module_id string true ID of the module attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    vmp_url string true deprecated null
    title string true Title on import, deprecated will mirror display_title Jordan Clarkson Believes Giant Humans Kept Dinosaurs as Pets
    slug string true String to display in url to prettify jordan-clarkson-believes-giant-humans-kept-dinosaurs-as-pets
    display_body string true HTML content of the attached resource <p>The Road Trippin' podcast with Richard Jefferson</p>
    display_title string true Title of the attached resource Jordan Clarkson Believes Giant Humans Kept Dinosaurs as Pets
    locale_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping, for internal use only 1
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1521486871766
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1521486871766
    embed_code string true Embed html code for the attached resource <div data-video-url=\"\"><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;\"><iframe data-img src=\"\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div>
    autoplay boolean false Autoplay flag for embedded code true
    word_count number true Article's content word count 470

    Base list

    Fetch a list of bases, by default this list is ordered by id

      // Array of base objects

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/base

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62

    Create or update base

    Create or update a base object

    base objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    POST /v1.1/articles or PATCH /v1.1/articles/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        ...article data
        base: {
            display_title: 'test title'
    Parameter and Type Required Description
    locale_scope string false A string representing the current scope the base should apply to, for internal use only
    display_title string false The attached objects title
    display_body string false HTML content of the attached resource
    slug string false String to display in url to prettify
    embed_code string false Embed html code for the attached resource
    autoplay string false Autoplay flag for embedded code
    word_count string false Resource's content word count


    A meta is an object attached to object containg metada information like summary, metadata attached to meta can be scoped to different locales

    Meta Object

    Properties and details about meta objects

      "id": "5ab14c16adc0970006ae12d4",
      "article_id": "5ab14c16adc0970006ae12cf",
      "video_id": null,
      "contributor_id": null,
      "topic_id": null,
      "page_id": null,
      "show_id": null,
      "channel_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "module_id": null,
      "social_lede_id": null,
      "lede_id": "5ab167f1a4ad2b0008806b47",
      "dek": "The \"professional shitposter\" who goes by the name Count Dankula could wind up behind bars for up to six months.",
      "summary": null,
      "display_summary": null,
      "facebook_title": null,
      "facebook_description": null,
      "promotional_text": null,
      "suggested_tweet": null,
      "seo_title": null,
      "short_url": null,
      "locale_scope": 1,
      "social_description": null,
      "social_title": null,
      "created_at": 1521568790217,
      "updated_at": 1521575921120,
      "lede": {
        // Image object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    article_id string true ID of the article attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    video_id string true ID of the video attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    contributor_id string true ID of the contributor attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    topic_id string true ID of the topic attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    page_id string true ID of the page attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    show_id string true ID of the show attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    channel_id string true ID of the channel attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    collection_id string true ID of the collection attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    module_id string true ID of the module attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    social_lede_id string true ID of attached social lede image 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    lede_id string true ID of attached lede image 5ab167f1a4ad2b0008806b47
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline The \"professional shitposter\" who goes by the name Count Dankula could wind up behind bars for up to six months.
    summary string true deprecated null
    display_summary string true Short description of the attached resource, deprecated The \"professional shitposter\" who goes by the name Count Dankula could wind up behind bars for up to six months.
    facebook_title string true deprecated null
    facebook_description string true deprecated null
    short_url string true deprecated null
    suggested_tweet string true Optional tweet message The \"professional shitposter\" who goes by the name Count Dankula could wind up behind bars for up to six months.
    seo_title string true Custom page title for SEO purposes The \"professional shitposter\" who goes by the name Count Dankula could wind up behind bars for up to six months.
    social_description string true Custom description when shared in social networks The \"professional shitposter\" who goes by the name Count Dankula could wind up behind bars for up to six months.
    social_title string true Custom title when shared in social networks The \"professional shitposter\" who goes by the name Count Dankula could wind up behind bars for up to six months.
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    lede image object true Resource's lede image See image object for details
    locale_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping, for internal use only 1
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1521486871766
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1521486871766

    Meta list

    Fetch a list of metas, by default this list is ordered by id

      // Array of meta objects

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource id>/meta

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62

    Create or update base

    Create or update a base object

    meta objects are created/updated when sending a resource create or request e.g.

    POST /v1.1/articles or PATCH /v1.1/articles/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        ...article data
        meta: {
            dek: 'test dek'
    Parameter and Type Description Required
    locale_scope string A string representing the current scope the base should apply to, for internal use only false
    dek string Summary that appears below the headline false
    display_summary string Short description of the attached resource false
    social_title string Custom title when shared in social networks false
    facebook_description string Custom description when shared in social networks false
    suggested_tweet string Optional tweet message false
    promotional_text string Custom promotional message, typically used in shows false
    seo_title string Custom page title for SEO purposes false

    Content Policies

    VICE distributes content accross multiple brands and countries, content policy objects determine where the attached resource is displayed and published, they also manage video visibility rules

    Content policies apply on api requests based on provided context there is no action needed on the clients to implement enforcement of policies

    Content Policy Object

    Object and properties details of content policies objects

    Status Objects Mappings

    Status ID Description
    1 New
    2 Draft
    3 Published
    4 Expired
    5 Deleted

    Object Properties

        "id": "5ab14c16adc0970006ae12d1",
        "display_at": null,
        "created_at": 1521568790218,
        "updated_at": 1521576282279,
        "published_at": 1521576268435,
        "deleted_at": null,
        "schedule_end_date": null,
        "locale_display_scope": 0,
        "locale_locked_scope": 0,
        "locale_feed_visibility_scope": 0,
        "nsfb": 0,
        "nsfw": 0,
        "locale_scope": 1,
        "site_scope": 7,
        "locked_scope": 0,
        "platform_scope": 0,
        "distribution_scope": 0,
        "status_id": 3,
        "geo_code": "US",
        "language": "en",
        "url_fragment": "en_us",
        "slug": "this-guy-taught-a-pug-to-heil-hitler-and-was-convicted-of-a-hate-crime-vgtrn",
        "display_title": "This Guy Taught a Pug to Heil Hitler and Was Convicted of a Hate Crime",
        "legacy_id": 1534298,
        "urls": Array[1][
        "url": "",
        "apple_news_id": "1f251d18-23e4-4a03-845d-f365f940043c",
        "apple_news_share_url": ""
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    display_title string true Title of the attached resource Jordan Clarkson Believes Giant Humans Kept Dinosaurs as Pets
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1521486871766
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1521486871766
    published_at number true Date in ms when the object was published, date can be set in the future for scheduled posts 1521486871766
    deleted_at number true Date in ms when the object was deleted 1521486871766
    schedule_end_date number true Date in ms when embargo date is set for publication time 1521486871766
    locale_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping for locales, for internal use only 1
    site_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping for sites, for internal use only 1
    locale_display_scope string or number false deprecated 0
    locale_locked_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which locale content is behind paywall, for internal use only 0
    locale_feed_visibility_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines where content should be listed publicly, for internal use only 0
    locked_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which site content is behind paywall, for internal use only 0
    platform_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which platform site should not be displayed, for internal use only 0
    distribution_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which distribution distro content should not be displayed, for internal use only 0
    locale_embed_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which locale a video should be embed only, for internal use only 0
    locale_do_not_promote_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which locales the associated asset should not be promoted in, for internal use only 0
    status_id enum(1,2,3,4,5) false Status code that represents publish state of content 3
    geo_code string false GEO Location code where this policy applies 3
    language string false Language code where this policy applies en
    url_fragment string false url_fragment where this policy applies en_us
    slug string false String to display in url to prettify jordan-clarkson-believes-giant-humans-kept-dinosaurs-as-pets
    legacy_id number false ID for tracking purposes on legacy systems
    urls array of string false List of urls where content can be present, VICE publishes articles across multiple sites and regions [""]
    url string (deprecated) false Url in the current context (site and locale)
    apple_news_id string true ID for content publised in apple news 1f251d18-23e4-4a03-845d-f365f940043c
    apple_news_share_url string true url for article publised in apple news

    Content Policies list

    Fetch a list of content policies, by default this list is ordered by id

      // Array of content policies objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62

    Create or update content policy

    Create or update a content policy object

    content policy objects are created/updated when sending a resource create or request e.g.

    POST /v1.1/articles or PATCH /v1.1/articles/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        ...article data
        content_policy: {
            locale_scope: '2'
    Parameter and Type Description Required
    published_at number Date in ms when the object was published, date can be set in the future for scheduled posts false
    schedule_end_date number Date in ms when embargo date is set for publication time false
    locale_scope string or number Bitwise scoping for locales false
    site_scope string or number Bitwise scoping for sites false
    locale_locked_scope string or number Bitwise scoping that determines in which locale content is behind paywall false
    locale_feed_visibility_scope string or number Bitwise scoping that determines where content should be listed publicly false
    locked_scope string or number Bitwise scoping that determines in which site content is behind paywall false
    platform_scope string or number Bitwise scoping that determines in which platform site should not be displayed false
    distribution_scope string or number Bitwise scoping that determines in which distribution distro content should not be displayed false
    locale_embed_scope string or number Bitwise scoping that determines in which locale a video should be embed only false
    locale_do_not_promote_scope string or number Bitwise scoping that determines in which locales the associated asset should not be promoted in false
    status_id enum(1,2,3,4,5) Status code that represents publish state of content false


    A slug is used to prettify the url the user access publicly they are unique per resource globally.

    Slug Object

    Properties and details about meta objects

      "id": "5886b75ce47a7e45874c0bdd",
      "article_id": null,
      "video_id": null,
      "contributor_id": null,
      "topic_id": "5886b75ce47a7e45874c0bd8",
      "page_id": null,
      "show_id": null,
      "channel_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "module_id": null,
      "slug": "humans-of-the-year",
      "foreign_key": "topic_id",
      "default": true,
      "created_at": 1485223772435,
      "updated_at": 1485223772435

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    article_id string true deprecated 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    video_id string true ID of the video attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    contributor_id string true ID of the contributor attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    topic_id string true ID of the topic attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    page_id string true ID of the page attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    show_id string true ID of the show attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    channel_id string true ID of the channel attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    collection_id string true ID of the collection attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    module_id string true ID of the module attached to 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455a
    slug false true String to display in url to prettify jordan-clarkson
    foreign_key string false String that represents what fk they are attached to, internal use only topic_id
    default boolean false For seo purposes we keep track of previous slugs attached to a resource, this flag determines which slug is currently active true
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1521486871766
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1521486871766

    Slug list

    Fetch a list of slugs for a given resource

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/<API resource>/<Resource id>/slugs

      // Array of slug objects

    Create or update slug

    Create or update a slug object

    slug objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    POST /v1.1/topics or PATCH /v1.1/topics/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        ...topic data
        slug: {
            slug: 'new-slug'
    Parameter and Type Required Description
    slug string false String to display in url to prettify


    A Site is a home for that channel on the web. Not all Channels have a Site. eg.

    Site Object

    Fecth site details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/sites/<ID>

      "id": "57a204058cb727dec794c567",
      "name": "vice",
      "url": "",
      "enabled": true,
      "badge": null,
      "favicon": {
        // Deprecated
      "display_name": "VICE",
      "legacy_id": 3,
      "socials": {
        // Deprecated
      "twitter_url": "",
      "facebook_url": "",
      "facebook_page_id": "261330507662232, 814185111976252, 115384328477363, 218982941873, 65088937560, 656832881044884, 139104349474671, 493861597337594, 1733383370215660, 167115176655082, 235852889908002, 1482820258618380, 130581413665173, 100575810307679, 1587973284768252, 283321618725390",
      "instagram_url": "",
      "youtube_url": "",
      "tumblr_url": "",
      "pinterest_url": "",
      "reddit_url": "",
      "reddit_handle": "vice",
      "soundcloud_url": "",
      "twitch_url": "",
      "twitch_handle": null,
      "site_promotional_message": null
      "id": "57a204058cb727dec794c567",
      "name": "vice",
      "bitwise": 1,
      "url": "",
      "enabled": true,
      "legacy_id": 3,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": 1485795201,
      "display_name": "VICE",
      "badge": null,
      "socials": {
        // Socials object
      "favicon": {
        // Deprecated

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the site 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    name string false identifier name for the site vice
    display_name string false Name for the site VICE
    url string false Public url of the site
    enabled boolean false Flag to determine if site is live true
    badge string true deprecated null
    socials string true deprecated null
    favicon string true deprecated null
    site_promotional_message string true Promotional message to display for the site VICE is great
    legacy_id number true Legacy ID reference 132
    email_newsletter string true Email subsciption url
    facebook_handle string true Site's facebook handle Google
    twitter_url string true Site's twitter
    twitter_handlestring true Site's twitter handle Google
    instagram_url string true Site's instagram
    instagram_handle string true Site's instagram handle google
    instagram_url string true Site's youtube
    tumblr_url string true Site's tumblr
    pinterest_url string true Site's pinterest
    reddit_url string true Site's reddit
    reddit_handle string true Site's reddit handle bodegaboys
    soundcloud_url string true Site's soundcloud
    twitch_url string true Site's twitch
    twitch_handle string true Site's twitch handle waypoint
    facebook_page_id string true CSV of Facebook pages id for the site 261330507662232, 814185111976252

    Sites list

    Fetch a list of sites

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/sites

    This request will return an array of site objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of channel objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific sites ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    url string Filter site by url
    enabled string Filter site by status false
    name string Filter site by identifier vice
    filter_by_locale 'false' or 'true' or '0' or '1' If set, results will be filtered to only those sites which are available to your specified locale false

    Create site

    Update a site object

    Updates a site object

    HTTP Request

    Update site PATCH<API version>/sites/<ID>

    PATCH /v1.1/sites/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "url": "",
      "enabled": true,
      "display_name": "VICE",
      "socials": {
        // Social object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    display_name string false Name for the site
    url string Public url of the site true
    enabled boolean false Flag to determine if site is live
    socials socials object See socials object for details false

    Delete site


    A Locale is a region-language into which VICE distributes content. Locales are expressed in urls as a string consisting of one or both of the ISO language and region codes, eg. en_us, sv, bg.

    A Site + Locale defines an edition of a site, eg. "Motherboard Brazil"

    Locale Object

    Fecth locale details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/locales/<ID>

      "id": "57a204068cb727dec794c580",
      "label": "Colombia",
      "abbreviation": "CO",
      "url_fragment": "es_co",
      "language": "es",
      "country": "CO",
      "geo_code": "CO",
      "bitwise": 2048,
      "legacy_id": 12,
      "site_scope": 51,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": 1490214941216

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the season 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    label string false Label for the locale Colombia
    abbreviation string false 2 letter code for the locale CO
    url_fragment string false locale code how it displays in public urls es_co
    language string false language code for the locale es
    country string false country code for the locale CO
    geo_code string false geo code for the locale CO
    bitwise string or number false Bitwise scoping, for internal use only 1
    legacy_id number false ID for tracking purposes on legacy systems 1
    site_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping for sites, for internal use only 1
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1521486871766
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1521486871766

    Locales list

    Fetch a list of locales

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/locales

    This request will return an array of locales objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of locales objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific locales ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    abbreviation string Filter by abbreviation CO
    language string Filter by language es
    country string Filter by country code CO
    geo_code string Filter by geo code CO

    Create or update a locales object


    A Channel is a brand under which content is produced and distributed eg. Broadly, Motherboard, Noisey.

    Channel Object

    Fecth channel details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/channels/<ID>

      "id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
      "name": "vice",
      "url": "",
      "twitter_url": "",
      "facebook_url": "",
      "facebook_page_id": null,
      "instagram_url": "",
      "youtube_url": "",
      "tumblr_url": "",
      "pinterest_url": "",
      "reddit_url": "",
      "reddit_handle": "vice",
      "soundcloud_url": "",
      "twitch_url": "",
      "twitch_handle": null,
      "site_promotional_message": null,
      "color": "#000000",
      "dek": "The definitive guide to enlightening information.",
      "slug": "vice",
      "original_id": 1,
      "social_description": null,
      "social_title": null,
      "badge_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "social_lede": null,
      "light_logo_url": "",
      "light_logo_url_1_1": ";center,center",
      "light_logo_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "light_logo_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "dark_logo_url": null,
      "dark_logo_url_1_1": null,
      "dark_logo_url_10_4": null,
      "dark_logo_url_16_9": null
      "id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
      "name": "vice",
      "color": "#000000",
      "url": "",
      "slug": "vice",
      "keywords": null,
      "legacy_id": 1,
      "site_scope": 7,
      "locale_scope": 541165879295,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": null,
      "favicon": null,
      "logo": {
        // Image object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "badge": {
        // Image object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "socials": {
        // Socials object
      "viewing_methods": [
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the channel 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    name string false Display name for the channel vice
    url string false Public url where brand is present
    site_promotional_message string true Promotional message to display for the channel VICE is great
    color string false hex color that represents the brand #000000
    original_id number true Legacy ID reference 132
    social_description string true Custom channel description presented on social media platforms Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    social_title string true Custom channel title presented on social media platforms The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    slug string false Pretty custom url path the-l-train-shutdown-is-bad-news-for-queens-too
    email_newsletter true Email subsciption url
    facebook_handle true Channel's facebook handle Google
    twitter_url true Channel's twitter
    twitter_handle true Channel's twitter handle Google
    instagram_url true Channel's instagram
    instagram_handle true Channel's instagram handle google
    instagram_url true Channel's youtube
    tumblr_url true Channel's tumblr
    pinterest_url true Channel's pinterest
    reddit_url true Channel's reddit
    reddit_handle true Channel's reddit handle bodegaboys
    soundcloud_url true Channel's soundcloud
    twitch_url true Channel's twitch
    twitch_handle true Channel's twitch handle waypoint
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Short videos by VICE News.
    badge_url string true URL that contains badge image for channel
    thumbnail_url string true Lede image url;center,center
    light_logo_url light_logo_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string true Channel logo and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    dark_logo_url dark_logo_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string true deprecated null
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details

    Channels list

    Fetch a list of channels

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/channels

    This request will return an array of channel objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of channel objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific channels ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    slug string Filter channels by slug vice
    sort string Sort channels based on possible values, see bellow -slug

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    slug Sort by slug

    Create channel

    Update a channel object

    Updates a channel object

    HTTP Request

    Update channel PATCH<API version>/channels/<ID>

    PATCH /v1.1/channels/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "name": "vice",
      "color": "#000000",
      "url": "",
      "site_scope": 7,
      "locale_scope": 541165879295,
      "logo": {
        // Image object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "badge": {
        // Image object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "socials": {
        // Socials object
      "viewing_methods": [
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    locale_scope string false A string representing the current scope the base should apply to, for internal use only
    site_scope string false A string representing the current scope the base should apply to, for internal use only
    name string true Display name for the channel
    url string true Public url where brand is present
    color string true hex color that represents the brand
    lede image object See image object for details false
    badge image object See image object for details false
    logo image object See image object for details false
    meta meta object See meta object for details false
    socials socials object See socials object for details false
    social_lede image object See image object for details false

    Delete channel

    Add, Delete or update an image for a channel

    Adds an image to the channel, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for channels are lede, social_lede, logo and badge

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/channels/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/channels/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/channels/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>


    An Article object contains information about the different properties of an written article, such as the title, dek, lede image, and the article body.

    Article Object

    Fetch article details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/articles/<ID>

      "id": "5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958",
      "body": "<p>Html content of the article</p>",
      "suggested_tweet": "Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island",
      "dek": "Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.",
      "locale": "en_us",
      "publish_date": 1520959512483,
      "display_type": "short-form",
      "full_page_iframe_url": null,
      "vmp_id": null,
      "embed_code": "<div data-video-url=\"\"><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;\"><iframe data-img src=\"\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div>",
      "word_count": 1137,
      "social_description": null,
      "social_title": null,
      "age_required": null,
      "birthday_required": null,
      "nsfb": false,
      "nsfw": false,
      "web_id": "9kzpxp",
      "original_id": "vice:1532319",
      "title": "The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too",
      "slug": "the-l-train-shutdown-is-bad-news-for-queens-too",
      "summary": "",
      "urls": [
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
      "channel": {
        // Channel object
      "contributions": [
        // Array of Contributions object
      "url": "",
      "caption": null,
      "credit": "Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong",
      "filename": "1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg",
      "cover_json": null,
      "alt_text": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center",
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "primary_topic": {
        // Embedded topic object
      "id": "5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958",
      "channel_id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
      "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
      "created_by": null,
      "article_type": "article",
      "vmp_id": null,
      "legacy_id": 1532319,
      "global_site_scope": 7,
      "global_locale_scope": 1,
      "web_id": "9kzpxp",
      "created_at": 1520872791347,
      "updated_at": 1520872791751,
      "is_embargoed": false,
      "embargoed_until": null,
      "content_policy": {
          // Content policy object
      "content_restriction": {
        // Content restriction object
      "display_settings": {
          // Display settings object
      "base": {
          // Base object
      "meta": {
          // Meta object
      // Deprecated
      "slugs": [
      "content_policies": [
          // Array of Content policy objects
      "locale": {
         // Locale object
      "legacy_lede": null,
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object
      "channel": {
        // Channel object
      "social_lede": null,
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "urls": [

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the article 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    article_type enum('article','video','gallery') false content of the article in html article
    suggested_tweet string true Suggested default text for tweets Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.
    locale string false Original url_fragment where article was created en_us
    publish_date number true Date article was published in ms 1520959512483
    display_type enum('long-form','short-form','unsanitized-long-form','video-lede','full-page-iframe') false Display type for article short-form
    full_page_iframe_url string true If article is set to 'full-page-iframe', this will contain the URL where the embedded article is located
    vmp_id number true Legacy ID reference 132
    embed_code string true If article is set to 'video-lede', this will contain the embed html code <div data-video-url=\"\"><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;\"><iframe data-img src=\"\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div>
    word_count number true Article's content word count 1137
    social_description string true Custom article description presented on social media platforms Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    social_title string true Custom article title presented on social media platforms The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    age_required string true Required age for viewing a piece of content as derived from Content Policy 18
    birthday_required boolean true Is a birthday verification required to view a piece of content as derived from Content Policy true
    nsfb boolean false Flag to determine if article is safe for advertising brands true
    nsfw boolean false Flag to determine if article is safe for work true
    web_id string false Hash id used in urls 9kzpxp
    original_id string false Generated id for tracking purposes with legacy systems vice:1532319
    title string true Article's title The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    slug string false Pretty custom url path the-l-train-shutdown-is-bad-news-for-queens-too
    summary string true Short description of article Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    urls array of string false List of urls where article can be present, VICE publishes articles across multiple sites and regions [""]
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    channel channel object true VICE Brand that the article belongs to See channel object for details
    contributions array of contributions object false List of article's contributors See contributions object for details
    topics array of embedded topics object false List of Topics for article See embedded topics object for details
    url string (deprecated) false Article url in the current context (site and locale)
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    system_tags array false deprecated []
    genres array false deprecated []
    primary_topic embedded topics object true Primary topic for the article See embedded topics object for details

    Articles list

    Fetch a list of articles, by default this list is ordered by published date

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/articles

    This request will return an array of article objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of article objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific article ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    article_type enum ('article','video','gallery') Filter articles by type article
    vmp_id string Find article by a given legacy id noisey:468
    nsfw boolean Filter articles by not safe for work flag true
    slug string Filter articles by a given slug article-slug
    channel_id string Filter articles by channel based on channel id 57a204088cb727dec794c67f
    topic_id string Filter articles containing a given topic by id 57a204b18cb727dec7951e8f
    contributor_idstring Filter articles contributed by a given contributor by id 57a2057c8cb727dec795ba25
    sort string Sort articles based on possible values, see bellow -article_type
    status_id string Filter articles based on status_id 3
    published_at enum('future', 'this_week', 'last_week', 'last_month') Filter articles based on published date future

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    article_type Sort articles by article type
    published_at Sort by published date
    created_at Sort by created date
    updated_at Sort by updated date
    deleted_at Sort by deleted date

    Get a list of content policies

    Display where article is distributed, site and locales. You can use this endpoint to display proper meta tags or link content for SEO purposes. See content policy object for details

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/articles/<ID>/content_policies

      // Array of content policies objects

    Create or update an article

    Create or update an article object

    HTTP Request

    Create article POST<API version>/articles

    Update article PATCH<API version>/articles/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/articles or PATCH /v1.1/articles/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        "article_type": "article",
        "channel_id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
        "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
        "content_policy": {
            // content policy object
        "content_restriction": {
            // content restriction object
        "locale_restrictions": [
          // array of locale restrictions objects
        "meta": {
            // meta object
        "base": {
            // base object
        "contributions": [
            // array of contributions object
        "topics": [
            // array of embedded topics object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    article_type enum('article','video','gallery') content of the article in html article
    channel_id string ID of vice's brand or channel that article belongs to 57a204088cb727dec794c67b
    locale_id string ID of locale that article belongs to 57a204068cb727dec794c573
    content_policy content policy object See content policy object for details false
    meta meta object See meta object for details false
    base base object See base object for details false
    contributions contributions object See base object for details false
    locale_restrictions locale_restrictions object See locale_restrictions object for details false
    topics topics object See base object for details false
    slug slug object See slug object for details false
    social_lede image object See image object for details false
    lede image object See image object for details false

    Delete article

    Removes article from visibility

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/articles/<ID>

    Add, Delete or update an image for an article

    Adds an image to the article, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for article are lede and social_lede

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/articles/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/articles/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>/<IMAGE ID>

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/articles/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>/<IMAGE ID>


    Upon being published articles will be processed to extract metadata about the subject matter of the content. This data can be retrieved by going to:

    GET<API version>/videos/<ID>/extractions

        "base_id": "5c41fb324697a8000783dfde",
        "source": "AP",
        "class": "geography",
        "title": "Russia",
        "score": null,
        "created_at": 1547841628404,
        "updated_at": 1547841628404
        "base_id": "5c41fb324697a8000783dfde",
        "source": "AP",
        "class": "geography",
        "title": "Eastern Europe",
        "score": null,
        "created_at": 1547841628404,
        "updated_at": 1547841628404

    Article Locale Restrictions Object

    Restricts article from being pubished in other locales than the ones that belong to the object locale_id

      "article_id": "5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958",
      "locale_id": "5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958",
      "created_at": 1520959512483,
      "updated_at": 1520959512483

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    atricle_id string false ID of the article 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    locale_id string false ID of the locale 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1521486871766
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1521486871766


    Campaigns are advertising campaign slots used by our partners to promote their products or services using a series of related posts (campaign_items).

    A campaign object contains information about the different properties of a partner's campaign, such as title, slug, lede image, links, and partner logo.

    Campaign Object

    Fetch campaign details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/campaigns/<ID>

      "id": "hexid",
      "site_id": "sitehexid",
      "locale": "en_us",
      "display_type": "grid"
      "hide_title": true,
      "text_color": "light",
      "background_color": "#696971",
      "published_at": 1518638177597,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";0.4215xw,0xh",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";0xw,0xh",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center"
      "dek": "dek contents",
      "url": "",
      "name": "campaign name",
      "social_title": "social title",
      "social_description": "social description",
      "logo_black_svg_url": "",
      "logo_white_svg_url": "",
      "logo_callout_url": "",
      "legal_claim": "Legal",
      "sponsored_claim": "claim of campaign",
      "copyright_message": "&copy; vice",
      "call_to_action_text": "click me",
      "call_to_action_url": "",
      "slug": "wir-spielen-spiele-genauso-waach-wie-ihr",
      "site": {
        // Site Object
      "id": "hexid",
      "site_id": "hex site id",
      "locale_id": "locale hex id",
      "site": {
        // Site Object
      "locale": {
        // Locale Object
      "display_type": "grid"
      "hide_title": true,
      "text_color": "light",
      "background_color": "#696971",
      "published_at": 1518638177597,
      "created_at": 1518638177597,
      "updated_at": 1518638177597,
      "status_id": 3,
      lede: {
        // Image Object
      "dek": "dek contents",
      "url": "",
      "name": "campaign name",
      "social_title": "social title",
      "social_description": "social description",
      "logo_black_svg_url": "",
      "logo_white_svg_url": "",
      "logo_callout_url": "",
      "legal_claim": "Legal",
      "sponsored_claim": "Partner Content",
      "copyright_message": "&copy; vice",
      "call_to_action_text": "click me",
      "call_to_action_url": "",
      "slug": "wir-spielen-spiele-genauso-waach-wie-ihr"

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the campaign 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    site_id string false Site ID the campaign is associated with 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    locale_id false Locale ID the campaign is associated with 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    site site object false Site the campaign belongs to See site object For Details
    locale locale object false Locale the campaign belongs to See locale object For Details
    display_type enum(grid,themed,series,full-bleed) false Display Type for campaign grid
    hide_title boolean false Flag to hide the title on campaign pages true
    text_color enum(light, dark) false The color of the text light
    background_color string true The displayed background color #000000
    published_at number true The time at which this campaign was/will be published in ms 1520959512483
    created_at number false The time when the campaign was created in ms 1520959512483
    updated_at number false The time when the campaign was updated in ms 1520959512483
    status_id number false The status of the campaign 3
    lede image object true Lede image object used for campaign See image object for details
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Reason why this campaign is the best campaign
    name string true The name of the campaign Best Campaign Name
    social_title string true Custom campaign title presented on social media platforms Social Title of this Campaign
    social_description string true Custom campaign description presented on social media platforms Social Description of this Campaign
    logo_black_svg_url string true Black version of partner's SVG logo
    logo_white_svg_url string true White version of partner's SVG logo
    logo_callout_url string true Logo callout url
    legal_claim string true Legal claim of the campaign This is sponsored content
    sponsored_claim string true Sponsored Claim of campaign Sponsored Claim
    copyright_message string true Copyright message Copyright 2018 Vice
    call_to_action_text string true Call To Action Display Text Use our product!
    call_to_action_url string true Call To Action URL
    slug string false Slug for the campaign - Unique in locale/site of campaign campaign-slug-for-this-campaign

    Campaigns List

    Fetch a list of campaigns

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/campaigns

    This request will return an array of campaign objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of campaign objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific campaign ids to retrieve. 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa,5abcfefacda0b40006ac220b
    slug string Filter campaigns by a given slug campaign-slug
    status_id string Filter campaigns based on status_id 3
    published_at enum(future, this_week, last_week, last_month) Filter campaigns based on published date future

    List of Campaign Items for a Campaign

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/campaigns/<ID | slug>/campaign_items

    This request will return an array of campaign items, for more details on pagination see See campaign item object for more details on the response.

      // Array of campaign item objects

    Single Campaign Item for a Campaign

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/campaigns/<ID | slug>/campaign_items/<CampaignItemID | CampaignItemSlug>

    This request will return a single campaign item belonging to the selected campaign. See campaign item object for more details.

        // Campaign Item Object

    Create or Update campaign

    Create or update a campaign object

    HTTP Request

    Create campaign POST<API version>/campaigns

    Update campaign PATCH<API version>/campaigns/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/campaigns or PATCH /v1.1/campaigns/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
      "site_id": "hexid",
      "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
      "site": {
        // site object
      "locale": {
        // locale object
      "display_type": "grid",
      "hide_title": true,
      "text_color": "light",
      "background_color": "#000000",
      "published_at": 1518638177597,
      "created_at": 1518638177597,
      "updated_at": 1518638177597,
      "status_id": 3,
      "lede": {
        // lede object
      "dek": "dekdekdek",
      "url": "",
      "name": "campaign name",
      "social_title": "social title",
      "social_description": "social description",
      "logo_black_svg_url": "",
      "logo_white_svg_url": "",
      "logo_callout_url": "",
      "legal_claim": "legal claim",
      "sponsored_claim": "sponsored content",
      "copyright_message": "&copy; vice",
      "call_to_action_text": "buy our products",
      "call_to_action_url": "",
      "slug": "campaign-slug"
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    site_id string ID of Vice's site that the campaign belongs to true
    locale_id string ID of locale the campaign belongs to true
    display_type enum('grid','themed','series','full-bleed') Display type of campaign false
    hide_title boolean false Flag to hide the title on campaign pages
    text_color enum(light, dark) Theme for text color on campaign page false
    background_color string Hex color that background should be displayed as in campaign page false
    published_at number Date in ms when the object was published, date can be set in the future for scheduled posts false
    status_id enum(1,2,3,4,5) Status code that represents published state of the campaign false
    dek string Summary that appears under the headline of the campaign false
    name string Name of the campaign false
    social_title string Custom campaign title presented on social media platforms false
    social_description string Custom campaign description presented on social media platforms false
    logo_black_svg_url string Black version of the partner's SVG logo false
    logo_white_svg_url string White version of the partner's SVG logo false
    logo_callout_url string Logo Callout URL false
    legal_claim string Legal claim of the campaign false
    sponsored_claim string Sponsored Claim of the campaign false
    copyright_message string Copyright message false
    call_to_action_text string Call to Action Text false
    call_to_action_url string Call To Action URL false
    slug string Slug for the campaign - Unique in locale/site of campaign true

    Add, Delete or Update an image for a campaign

    Adds an image to the campaign, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image type for campaign is lede

    HTTP Request

    Add an image
    POST<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Update an image
    PATCH<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Delete an image
    DELETE<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Add an SVG Logo For a campaign

    Adds a logo (must be SVG format). There are two types of logo images, logo_black_svg and logo_white_svg.

    HTTP Request

    Add a Logo SVG
    POST<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/logo_black_svg
    POST<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/logo_white_svg

    Create or update a campaign item for a campaign

    Create or update a campaign item object for a campaign

    HTTP Request

    Create campaign item POST<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/campaign_items

    Update campaign item PATCH<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/campaign_items/<CamapignItemID>

    POST /v1.1/campaigns/<ID>/campaign_items or PATCH /v1.1/campaigns/<ID>/campaign_items/<CampaignItemID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        // campaign_item object

    Campaign Items

    A campaign item contains information about the different properties of a post belonging to a partner campaign.

    Campaign Item Object

    Fetch campaign item details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/campaign_items/<ID | slug>

        "body": "<p>In 2016, I walked into the back room of Cole’s</p>",
        "suggested_tweet": "tweet",
        "dek": "The Chicago native paid her dues back home and escaped an ex. Now she's pushing the industry to treat comedians like her the right way",
        "locale": "en_us",
        "published_date": 1518639060000,
        "display_type": "short-form",
        "full_page_iframe_url": "",
        "embed_code": "<iframe width='560'>",
        "word_count": 1396,
        "autoplay": false,
        "clickthrough_url": "",
        "social_description": "Rebecca O'Neal paid her dues back home and escaped an ex. Now she's pushing the industry to treat comedians like her the right way.",
        "social_title": "OVercoming a Stalker Helped This Comedian Find her Voice",
        "nsfw": false,
        "slug": "campaign-item-slug",
        "title": "Overcoming Her Stalker Helped Rebecca O'Neal Thrive as a Comedian",
        "summary": "summary of the article",
        "url": "",
        "caption": "lede caption",
        "credit": "REbecca O'Neal",
        "thumbnail_url": "",
        "thumbnail_url_16_9": "",
        "thumbnail_url_1_1": "",
        "thumbnail_url_2_3": "",
        "thumbnail_url_10_4": "",
        "thumbnail_url_10_3": "",
        "thumbnail_url_7_10": "",
        "thumbnail_url_952_498": "",
        "social_lede": {
            // Image object
        "call_to_action_text": "some action",
        "call_to_action_url": "",
        "contributions": [
            // Array of contribution objects
        "id": "5abd09f752d29c14e0b468bb",
        "campaign_id": "5abd09f752d29c14e0b468b7",
        "position": 0,
        "title": null,
        "body": "<p>article body</p",
        "word_count": 0,
        "social_title": "Remembering the man Who Brought King Kong to Life",
        "social_description": null,
        "dek": "O’Brien’s groundbreaking animation laid the foundation for all fantasy and sci-fi movies to come.\r\n",
        "summary": "O’Brien’s groundbreaking animation laid the foundation for all fantasy and sci-fi movies to come.\r\n",
        "status_id": 3,
        "full_page_iframe_url": null,
        "display_type": "short-form",
        "schedule_end_date": null,
        "published_at": 1522338290065,
        "first_published_at": null,
        "updated_at": 1522877650867,
        "created_at": 1522338295713,
        "slug": "Remembering-the-man-Who-Brought-King-Kong-to-Life",
        "embed_code": "<div data-video-url=\"\"><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 75.0019%;\"><iframe data-img data-iframely-url=\"//\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div><script async src=\"//\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>",
        "autoplay": false,
        "clickthrough_url": null,
        "nsfw": false,
        "call_to_action_text": null,
        "call_to_action_url": null,
        "contributors": [
            // Array of contributors objects
        "lede": {
            // Image Object
        "social_lede": {
            // Image Object
        "url": "عشرة-محاولات-علمية-لتفسير-كلام-الأمها/Remembering-the-man-Who-Brought-King-Kong-to-Life"

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the campaign item `5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958'
    campaign_id string false ID of the campaign this item belongs to 5abd09f752d29c14e0b468b7
    position number false Position of this item within the campaign 1
    title string true Title of the campaign item Title of this great campaign article
    body string true Content body of this campaign item <p>Long article body here </p>
    word_count number false Word count of the campaign item body 3959
    social_title string true Custom title to be presented on social media Social Media Title
    social_description string true Custom description to be presented on social media Social Media Description of this Article
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline This is the dek
    summary string true Summary of the campaign items' contents This is the summary of this campaign item
    status_id number false The status of the campaign item 3
    full_page_iframe_url string true The URL of the optional full page iframe body
    display_type enum(long-form, short-form, unsanitized-long-form, video-lede, full-page-iframe) false The display type of this item long-form
    schedule_end_date number true The date after which this item should no longer be displayed 1520959512483
    published_at number true The date this item was/will be published. 1520959512483
    updated_at number false The date this was last updated 1520959512483
    created_at number false The date this record was created 1520959512483
    slug string false The slug of this campaign item campaign-items-slug
    embed_code string true The embed code for this campaign item <div data-video-url=\"\"><div style=\"left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 75.0019%;\"><iframe data-img data-iframely-url=\"//\" style=\"border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\" allowfullscreen scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div></div><script async src=\"//\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>
    autoplay boolean true Determine if video should autoplay when in view true
    clickthrough_url string true Clickthrough URL for this campaign item
    nsfw boolean false Determine if content is nsfw false
    call_to_action_text string true Call To Action Text for campaign item this is the call to action
    call_to_action_url string true Call To Action Link for campaign item
    contributions array of contributions object true List of campaign item's contributors See contributions object for details
    lede image object true Lede image object used for campaign_item See image object for details
    social_lede image object true Social Lede image object used for campaign_item See image object for details
    url string false URL to access this campaign_item on the site it belongs to
    contributors array of contributors object true List of campaign items contributors See contributors object for details
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string true Lede image url and all the possibile crops by ratio (width_height);center,center

    Campaign Items List

    Fetch a list of campaign items

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/campaign_items

    This request will return an array of campaign item object, for more details on pagination see

        // Array of campaign item objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific campaign item ids to retrieve 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa,5abcfefacda0b40006ac220b
    slug string Filter campaign items by a given slug campaign-item-slug
    status_id number Filter campaign items based on status_id 3
    published_at enum(future, this_week, last_week, last_month) Filter campaign items based on a published date future
    campaign_id string Filter campaign items by a given campaign_id 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa

    Create or Update Campaign Item

    Create or update a campaign item object

    HTTP Request

    Create campaign item POST<API version>/campaign_items

    Update campaign item PATCH<API version>/campaign_items/<ID>

    POST v1.1/campaign_items or PATCH v1.1/campaign_items/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        "campaign_id": "5abd09f752d29c14e0b468b7",
        "position": 1,
        "title": "campaign item title",
        "body": "campaign item body",
        "word_count": 3456,
        "social_title": "Social title for campaign item",
        "social_description": "Social description for campaign item",
        "dek": "Dek for campaign item",
        "summary": "This is the summary",
        "status_id": 3,
        "display_type": "short-form",
        "published_at": 1522338290065,
        "slug": "slug-for-campaign-item",
        "nsfw": false,
        "call_to_action_text": "call to action text for this item",
        "call_to_action_url": "",
        "contributions": [
            // Array of contribution objects

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Description Required On Create
    campaign_id string ID of campaign this item belongs to true
    position number Position of this item within it's campaign true
    title string The title of the campaign item false
    body string The campaign item body false
    word_count number The word count for the contents of the campaign item false
    social_title string Optional custom title to be presented on social media false
    social_description string Optional custom description to be presented on social media false
    dek string Summary that appears below the headline false
    summary string Summary of the item's contents false
    status_id number Published status of the campaign item false
    full_page_iframe_url string URL of the full page iframe, if there is one false
    display_type enum(long-form, short-form, unsanitized-long-form, video-lede, full-page-iframe) Display mode of this campaign item false
    schedule_end_date number The date after which this item should no longer be displayed false
    published_at number The date that this item was/will be published at false
    slug string The slug to identify this campaign item true
    embed_code string Embed code for this item false
    autoplay boolean Determine if video should autoplay when in view false
    clickthrough_url string Clickthrough URL for this item false
    nsfw boolean NSFW flag false
    call_to_action_text string Call to action text for this item false
    call_to_action_url string Call to action link for this item false
    contributions contributions object See contributions object for details false

    Add, Delete or Update an image for a campaign item

    Adds an image to the campaign item, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for campaign items is lede and social_lede.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image
    POST<API version>/campaign_items/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image
    PATCH<API version>/campaign_items/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Delete an image
    DELETE<API version>/campaign_items/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>


    Persons that collaborate to create VICE content. A contributor can play different roles depending on the content.

    Contributor Object

    Properties and details about contributors objects

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/contributors/<ID>

      "id": "57a2057c8cb727dec795ba25",
      "first_name": "Thomas",
      "last_name": "Morton",
      "public_url": null,
      "twitter_url": null,
      "twitter_handle": null,
      "instagram_handle": null,
      "slug": "thomas-morton",
      "email": "",
      "position": null,
      "bio": "",
      "article_count": 0,
      "video_count": 0,
      "show_count": 0,
      "social_description": null,
      "social_title": null,
      "home_locale_id": null,
      "full_name": "Thomas Morton",
      "urls": Array[2][
      "social_lede": null,
      "url": "",
      "caption": null,
      "credit": "",
      "filename": "ThomasMorton_1.jpg",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";0.0025xw,0.3xh",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";center,top",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,top",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,top",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";center,top",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center"
      "id": "57a2057c8cb727dec795ba25",
      "home_locale_id": null,
      "full_name": "Thomas Morton",
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "Thomas",
      "last_name": "Morton",
      "twitter_url": null,
      "twitter_handle": null,
      "instagram_handle": null,
      "public_url": null,
      "legacy_id": 1,
      "article_count": 0,
      "video_count": 0,
      "show_count": 0,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": null,
      "slugs": Array[1][
        // Array of slug objects
      "slug": {
        // Slug object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "base": {
        // Base object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
      "urls": Array[2][

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    first_name string false First name of the contributor Thomas
    last_name string true Last name of the contributor Morton
    full_name string false Contributor's full name Thomas Morton
    public_url string true Contributor's external public URL
    twitter_url true Contributor's twitter
    twitter_handle true Contributor's twitter handle Google
    instagram_handle true Contributor's instagram handle google
    slug string false Contributor path url, this can be used to generate a contributor url e.g thomas-morton
    email string true Contributors email address
    position string true Details in contributor's position at VICE. Editor in chief
    article_count number false deprecated 0
    video_count number false deprecated 0
    show_count number false deprecated 0
    social_description string true Custom description when shared in social networks Thomas Morton contributor page description
    social_title string true Custom title when shared in social networks Posts by Thomas Morton
    home_locale_id string true Locale object ID where contributor collaborates 57a2057c8cb727dec795ba25
    urls array of string false List of urls where a contributor can be present, VICE publishes articles across multiple sites and regions [""]
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    url string (deprecated) false Contributor url in the current context (site and locale)
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center

    Contributors list

    Fetch a list of contributors, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/contributors

    This request will return an array of contributors objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of contributors objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    slug string Filter topics by a given slug contributor-slug
    first_name string Filter topics by contributor first name, case sensitive Thomas
    last_name string Filter topics by contributor last name, case sensitive Morton
    email string Filter topics by contributor email
    sort string Sort based on possible values, see bellow -first_name

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    first_name Sort by first name
    last_name Sort by last name

    Create or update a contributor

    Create or update a contributor object

    HTTP Request

    Create contributor POST<API version>/contributors

    Update contributor PATCH<API version>/contributors/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/contributors or PATCH /v1.1/contributors/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "home_locale_id": "57a2057c8cb727dec795ba25",
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "Thomas",
      "last_name": "Morton",
      "twitter_url": "",
      "twitter_handle": "Google",
      "instagram_handle": "google",
      "public_url": "",
      "slug": {
        // Slug object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "base": {
        // Base object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    email Contributors email address false
    first_name First name of the contributor true
    last_name Last name of the contributor false
    twitter_url Contributor's twitter false
    twitter_handle Contributor's twitter handle false
    instagram_handle Contributor's instagram handle false
    public_url Contributor's external public URL false
    home_locale_id Locale object ID where contributor collaborates false
    meta meta object See meta object for details false
    base base object See base object for details false
    slug slug object See slug object for details true
    lede image object See image object for details false
    social_lede image object See image object for details false

    Delete contributor

    Deletes contributor from permanent store

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/contributors/<ID>

    Add, Delete or update an image for a contributor

    Adds an image to the contributor, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for contributors are lede and social_lede

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/contributors/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/contributors/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/contributors/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Contribution object

    Contribution objects contains the role and contributor that help create the specific type of of content

        "contribution_id": "5806427dd124317cb20c4d8f",
        "role_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c566",
        "role": "Editor",
        "contributor": {
            // Contributor Object
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    contribution_id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    role_id string false ID of the role of the contribution 57a204058cb727dec794c566
    role string false Description of the role of the contribution Editor
    contributions contributor object false Contributor Object See contributor object for details

    Create or update contribution

    Create or update a contribution object. The contributions will be overriding by the array sent, e.g. to remove a contributor simply ommit it from the array sent.

    contribution objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    POST /v1.1/articles or PATCH /v1.1/articles/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        ...article data,
        "contributions": [
                "contribution_id": "5806427dd124317cb20c4d8f",
                "role_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c566"
    Parameter and Type Required Description
    contribution_id string true ID of the contributor
    role_id string false ID of the role of the contribution, if none given will default to whatever role is set to default. See role object for more details

    Role Object

    Roles describe the contribution part of a contributor in a piece of content

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/roles/<ID>

      "id": "57a204058cb727dec794c563",
      "name": "director",
      "label": "Director",
      "legacy_id": 1,
      "default": false,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": null
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    name string false Identifier for role, used mostly for translations editor
    label string false Description of the role of the contribution Editor
    default boolean false Determines if role should be applied to contribution by default if none provided true
    created_at string true deprecated null
    updated_at string true deprecated null
    legacy_id number true deprecated, used for legacy systems 1

    Roles list

    Fetch a list of roles, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/roles

    This request will return an array of roles objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of roles objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    name string Identifier for role, used mostly for translations editor

    Create or update a role

    Create or update a role object

    HTTP Request

    Create role POST<API version>/roles

    Update role PATCH<API version>/roles/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/roles or PATCH /v1.1/roles/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "name": "director",
      "label": "Director",
      "default": false
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    name string Identifier for role, used mostly for translations true
    label string Description of the role of the contribution true
    default boolean Determines if role should be applied to contribution by default if none provided false

    Delete role

    Deletes a role from permanent store

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/roles/<ID>


    A linkout object is a way to link content across vice sites. It contains basic meta information and a link to follow to the url

    Linkout Object

    Fecth linkout details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/linkouts/<ID>

      "id": "5abbc0c2d31c07000cf0e610",
      "url": "",
      "dek": "Und Farid Bang reagiert überraschend sachlich.",
      "title": "Wegen Auschwitz-Line: Farid Bang und Kollegah könnten vom ECHO ausgeschlossen werden",
      "type": "linkouts",
      "data": null,
      "site": {
        // Site object
      "caption": null,
      "credit": null,
      "filename": "1522239919615-kollegah_farid_bang_echo.jpeg",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center"
      "id": "5abbc0c2d31c07000cf0e610",
      "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c56b",
      "article_id": null,
      "video_id": null,
      "created_by": null,
      "title": "Wegen Auschwitz-Line: Farid Bang und Kollegah könnten vom ECHO ausgeschlossen werden",
      "dek": "Und Farid Bang reagiert überraschend sachlich.",
      "url": "",
      "created_at": 1522254018816,
      "updated_at": 1522254018816,
      "site": {
        // Site object
      "lede": {
        // Image object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.
    url string false URL where object is located
    type enum('linkouts') false type of linkout linkouts
    site site object true VICE site that original belongs to See site object for details
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center

    Linkouts list

    Fetch a list of linkoouts, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/linkouts

    This request will return an array of linkout objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of linkout objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific object ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    url string A url to filter records by, VICE's API will fetch the cannonical URL from the given URL prior to filering the record
    site_id string Filter linkout by its original site ID where linkout was generated from 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    created_at Sort by created date
    updated_at Sort by updated date

    Create or update an linkouts

    Create or update an linkout object

    HTTP Request

    Create linkout POST<API version>/linkouts

    Update linkout PATCH<API version>/linkouts/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/linkouts or PATCH /v1.1/linkouts/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "title": "Wegen Auschwitz-Line: Farid Bang und Kollegah könnten vom ECHO ausgeschlossen werden",
      "dek": "Und Farid Bang reagiert überraschend sachlich.",
      "lede": {
        // Image object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    title string false The attached objects title
    dek string Summary that appears below the headline false
    lede image object See image object for details false

    Delete linkout

    Deletes linkout from permanent store

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/linkouts/<ID>

    Add, Delete or update an image for a linkout

    Adds an image to the article, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for article are lede

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/linkouts/<ID>/lede

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/linkouts/<ID>/lede

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/linkouts/<ID>/lede


    The popular route offers a view into the most popular articles and videos for each locale/site pair. This list is generated on a schedule every few hours, the data polling from google analytics.

    Fetch a list of popular, by default this list is ordered by position ascending

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/popular

    This request will return an array of popular, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of popular objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    type enum('articles', 'videos') Filter by the resource type of the resource articles
    for_sites string Filter by one or more sites vice,vice-videos

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Populars are always sorted in descending popularity

    Fetch a Popular item by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/popular/<ID>

        "id": "5b087695f1cdb37607452231",
        "type": "videos",
        "data": {
          // Article or Video object
      "id": "5b163512ecdf422f35f3ed56",
      "article_id": null,
      "show_id": null,
      "video_id": "5b087695f1cdb37607452231",
      "content_policy_id": "5b0d7d4b12b0561a74c4ff5a",
      "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c569",
      "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": null,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content Policy Object
      "video": {
        // Video Object
      "article": {
        // Article Object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 58f4cd7473e7c17a75526deb
    type enum('articles', 'videos') false The type of asset this popular entry is describing article
    data object false The serialized object dependent on the popular type article
    content_policy content policy object true The content policy associated with this entry See content policy object for details
    video video object true The video entry if it the popular is of type "video" See video object for details
    article article object true The article entry if the popular is of type "article" See article object for details


    Subjects that characterize a piece of content. VICE uses topics to organize and at times distribute content.

    Topic Object

    Properties and details about topic objects

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/topics/<ID>

      "id": "5886b75ce47a7e45874c0bd8",
      "article_count": 0,
      "video_count": 0,
      "show_count": 0,
      "slug": "humans-of-the-year",
      "vmp_id": 1421162,
      "dek": null,
      "hide_title": true,
      "display_type": "themed",
      "text_color": "light",
      "background_color": "#08090D",
      "name": "humans of the year",
      "nsfw": null,
      "age_required": null,
      "birthday_required": null,
      "urls": [
      "url": "",
      "caption": null,
      "credit": null,
      "filename": "1502813860687-1502394965304-1486143918785-HOTY-lead-image_2000x1125_only.jpeg",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";0.2425xw,0xh",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";0xw,0.1093xh",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";0xw,0.1911xh",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center"
      "id": "5886b75ce47a7e45874c0bd8",
      "topic_type": "standard",
      "is_vms_record": false,
      "topic": "humans of the year",
      "legacy_id": 1421162,
      "article_count": 0,
      "video_count": 0,
      "show_count": 0,
      "created_at": 1485223772425,
      "updated_at": 1485223772425,
      "slug": {
        // Slug object
      "slugs": [
        // Array of slug objects
      "meta": {
        "id": "59931ea5b4d6b4437e108e41",
        "topic_id": "5886b75ce47a7e45874c0bd8",
        "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c570",
        "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
        "lede_id": "59931ea5b4d6b4437e108e43",
        "background_color": "#08090D",
        "text_color": "light",
        "display_type": "themed",
        "dek": null,
        "hide_title": true,
        "is_featured": false
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "urls": [
      "content_restriction": {
          // content restriction object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    article_count number false deprecated 0
    video_count number false deprecated 0
    show_count number false deprecated 0
    name string false Topic name count dankula
    slug string false Topic path url, this can be used to generate a topic url e.g count-dankula
    vmp_id number true Legacy ID reference 132
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.
    hide_title boolean false Flag to hide the title on topic pages true
    display_type enum('grid','themed','series','full-bleed') false Display preference for topic page items, implementation is left to the consumer themed
    text_color enum(light, dark) false theme for text color in topic pages light
    background_color string true hex color that background should be displayed as in topic pages #f1f1f1
    urls array of string false List of urls where a topic can be present, VICE publishes articles across multiple sites and regions [""]
    is_featured boolean true Determines if topic is featured in a request contenxt false
    url string (deprecated) false Topic url in the current context (site and locale)
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center

    Topics list

    Fetch a list of topics, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/topics

    This request will return an array of topic objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of topic objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    slug string Filter topics by a given slug topic-slug
    topic string Filter topics by a given topic name topic-slug
    sort string Sort based on possible values, see bellow -topic

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    topic Sort by name
    updated_at Sort by updated date
    slug Sort by slug

    Create or update a topic

    Create or update a topic object

    HTTP Request

    Create topic POST<API version>/topics

    Update topic PATCH<API version>/topics/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/topics or PATCH /v1.1/topics/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        "topic": "new topic",
        "slug": {
            // slug object
        "meta": {
          "background_color": "#08090D",
          "text_color": "light",
          "display_type": "themed",
          "dek": null,
          "hide_title": true,
          "is_featured": false
        "content_restriction": {
            // content restriction object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    topic_type enum('standard') deprecated false
    topic string Topic name true
    slug slug object See slug object for details false
    dek string Summary that appears below the headline false
    meta.hide_title boolean Flag to hide the title on topic pages false
    meta.display_type enum('grid','themed','series','full-bleed') Display preference for topic page items, implementation is left to the consumer false
    meta.text_color enum(light, dark) theme for text color in topic pages false
    meta.background_color string hex color that background should be displayed as in topic pages false
    meta.is_featured boolean Determines if topic is featured in a request contenxt false

    Delete topic

    Deletes topic from permanent store

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/topics/<ID>

    Add, Delete or update an image for a topic

    Adds an image to the article, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for article are lede.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/topics/<ID>/lede

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/topics/<ID>/lede

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/topics/<ID>/lede

    Embedded Topics Object

    Embedded topics objects are simplified serialized version of topics objects that are attached to a piece of content. They also have a property that determines if the specific topic should be the main (primary) topic.

      "id": "5ab157381511ce000876992b",
      "is_primary_topic": false,
      "topic_type": "standard",
      "name": "count dankula",
      "slug": "count-dankula"
      "topic_id": "57a204e58cb727dec79546f8",
      "article_id": "5ab14c16adc0970006ae12cf",
      "video_id": null,
      "show_id": null,
      "page_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "is_primary_topic": false,
      "vms_id": null,
      "locale_scope": 536871203,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": 1521658986245,
      "topic": {
        // Topic object
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 5ab00c17462f6d000c91455e
    is_primary_topic boolean false Flag to determine if the specific topic should be the main false
    topic_type enum('standard') false deprecated standard
    name string false Topic name count dankula
    slug string false Topic path url, this can be used to generate a topic url e.g count-dankula

    Create or update embedded topic

    Create or update a embedded topic object. The topics will be overriding by the array sent, e.g. to remove a topic simply ommit it from the array sent.

    embedded topic objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    POST /v1.1/articles or PATCH /v1.1/articles/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        ...article data,
        "topics": [
                "topic_id": "5806427dd124317cb20c4d8f",
                "is_primary_topic": true
    Parameter and Type Required Description
    topic_id string true ID of the topic
    is_primary_topic boolean false Flag to determine if the specific topic should be the main


    A show is a resource that contains contextual data about a number of seasons. The hierarchy of the data can mimic the real world relationships. Ie- A show has a bunch of seasons, each season has a number of episodes, each episode has a specific video.

    Show Object

    Fecth show details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/shows/<ID>

      "id": "57e37c86356a92489f2a0a19",
      "vmp_id": 333,
      "original_id": 687,
      "slug": "vice-news-shorts",
      "title": "VICE News Shorts",
      "email_newsletter": null,
      "facebook_url": null,
      "facebook_handle": null,
      "twitter_url": null,
      "twitter_handle": null,
      "instagram_url": null,
      "instagram_handle": null,
      "youtube_url": null,
      "tumblr_url": null,
      "pinterest_url": null,
      "reddit_url": null,
      "reddit_handle": null,
      "soundcloud_url": null,
      "twitch_url": null,
      "twitch_handle": null,
      "summary": null,
      "suggested_tweet": null,
      "dek": "Short videos by VICE News. ",
      "promotional_text": null,
      "season_count": 1,
      "episode_count": 0,
      "video_count": 186,
      "tv_background": null,
      "apple_tv_background": null,
      "apple_tv_banner": null,
      "latest_video_publish_date": null,
      "social_description": null,
      "social_title": null,
      "episode_display_mode": "stack",
      "nsfb": false,
      "nsfw": false,
      "urls": [
      "social_lede": null,
      "contributions": [
      "channel": {
        // Channel object
      "url": "",
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "primary_topic": null,
      "card": {
        // Image object
      "card_landscape": {
        // Image object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
      "logo": {
        // Image object
      "id": "57e37c86356a92489f2a0a19",
      "channel_id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67f",
      "insider_show_id": 687,
      "legacy_id": 333,
      "episode_display_mode": "stack",
      "sort_order": 1,
      "video_count": 186,
      "global_site_scope": 11,
      "global_locale_scope": 541165879295,
      "created_at": 1474526342692,
      "updated_at": 1522956770254,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content policy object
      "slugs": [
        // Array of slug objects
      "slug": {
        // Slug object
      "content_policies": [
        // Array of content policies objects
      "base": {
        // Base object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "tv_background": {
        // Image object
      "apple_tv_background": {
        // Image object
      "apple_tv_banner": {
        // Image object
      "card": {
        // Image object
      "card_landscape": {
        // Image object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
      "logo": {
        // Image object
      "contributors": [
      "social": {
        // Social object
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "season_count": 1,
      "episode_count": 0,
      "channel": {
        // Channel object
      "position": 1,
      "urls": [

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the show 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    title string true Show's title The Artist with Multiple Personalities
    sort_order number false Forced sorting order by editors 1
    vmp_id number true Legacy ID reference 132
    original_id string false Generated id for tracking purposes with legacy systems vice:1532319
    slug string false Pretty custom url path the-l-train-shutdown-is-bad-news-for-queens-too
    email_newsletter true Email subsciption url
    facebook_handle true Show's facebook handle Google
    twitter_url true Show's twitter
    twitter_handle true Show's twitter handle Google
    instagram_url true Show's instagram
    instagram_handle true Show's instagram handle google
    instagram_url true Show's youtube
    tumblr_url true Show's tumblr
    pinterest_url true Show's pinterest
    reddit_url true Show's reddit
    reddit_handle true Show's reddit handle bodegaboys
    soundcloud_url true Show's soundcloud
    twitch_url true Show's twitch
    twitch_handle true Show's twitch handle waypoint
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Short videos by VICE News.
    promotional_text string true Shows promotional text displayed in shows page Short videos by VICE News.
    suggested_tweet string true Suggested default text for tweets Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    summary string true Short description of the show Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    season_count number false Number of available seasons for the show 1
    episode_count number false Number of available episodes for the show, this number can be different from videos since one episode can have multiple videos 1
    video_count number false Number of available videos for the show 13
    tv_background image object true Image displayed in the background of roku/etc. TV See image object for details
    apple_tv_background image object true Image displayed in the background of apple TV See image object for details
    apple_tv_banner image object true Image displayed as lede on the tv show's page in apple TV See image object for details
    card image object true Image displayed in carousels or show selectors See image object for details
    card_landscape image object true Image displayed in carousels or show selectors See image object for details
    logo image object true Logo image used in a variety of places See image object for details
    lede image object true Lede image used in a variety of places See image object for details
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    social_description string true Custom show description presented on social media platforms Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    social_title string true Custom show title presented on social media platforms The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    episode_display_mode enum('stack', queue) false Episode default sort order, LIFO or FIFO stack
    nsfb boolean false Flag to determine if show is safe for advertising brands true
    nsfw boolean false Flag to determine if show is safe for work true
    urls array of string false List of urls where show can be present, VICE publishes shows across multiple sites and regions [""]
    url string (deprecated) false Show url in the current context (site and locale)
    contributions array of contributions object false List of Show's contributors See contributions object for details
    channel channel object true VICE Brand that the show belongs to See channel object for details
    topics array of embedded topics object false List of Topics for a show See embedded topics object for details
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    system_tags array false deprecated []
    genres array false deprecated []

    Shows list

    Fetch a list of shows, by default this list is ordered by published date

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/shows

    This request will return an array of show objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of show objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific shows ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    nsfw boolean Filter shows by not safe for work flag true
    channel_id string Filter by channel id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    contributor_id string Filter by contributor id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    topic_id string Filter by topic id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    slug string Filter shows by a given slug show-slug
    status_id string Filter shows based on status_id 3
    published_at enum('future', 'this_week', 'last_week', 'last_month') Filter shows based on published date future
    sort string Sort shows based on possible values, see bellow -updated_at

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    sort_order Sort by forced rank
    display_title Sort by the show's title
    published_at Sort by published date
    created_at Sort by created date
    updated_at Sort by updated date
    deleted_at Sort by deleted date

    Fetch a list of featured shows

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/shows_featured

    This request will return an array of show objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of show objects

    Update shows featured order

    HTTP Request

    PUT<API version>/shows_featured/order

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        "show_id": "hexid",
        "position": 0
        "show_id": "hexid",
        "position": 1
    Parameter and Type Description Required
    show_id string id of the show
    position number Order of the itme true

    Get a list of content policies

    Display where a show is distributed, site and locales and what visibility rules it has for each. You can use this endpoint to display proper meta tags or link content for SEO purposes. See content policy object for details

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/shows/<ID>/content_policies

      // Array of content policies objects

    Create show

    Update a show object

    Updates a show object

    HTTP Request

    Update show PATCH<API version>/shows/<ID>

    PATCH /v1.1/shows/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "episode_display_mode": "stack",
      "sort_order": 1,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content policy object
      "slug": {
        // Slug object
      "base": {
        // Base object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "tv_background": {
        // Image object
      "apple_tv_background": {
        // Image object
      "apple_tv_banner": {
        // Image object
      "card": {
        // Image object
      "card_landscape": {
        // Image object
      "logo": {
        // Image object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
      "contributors": [
      "social": {
        // Social object
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    episode_display_mode enum('stack', queue) Episode default sort order, LIFO or FIFO stack
    sort_order number Forced sorting order by editors 1
    content_policy content policy object See content policy object for details false
    meta meta object See meta object for details false
    base base object See base object for details false
    contributions contributions object See base object for details false
    topics topics object See base object for details false
    slug slug object See slug object for details false
    tv_background image object See image object for details false
    apple_tv_background image object See image object for details false
    apple_tv_banner image object See image object for details false
    card image object See image object for details false
    card_landscape image object See image object for details false
    logo image object See image object for details false
    lede image object See image object for details false
    social_lede image object See image object for details false

    Delete show

    Removes show from visibility

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/shows/<ID>

    Add, Delete or update an image for a show

    Adds an image to the show, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for shows are lede, social_lede, card, card_landscape, apple_tv_banner, apple_tv_background, tv_background, and logo

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/shows/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/shows/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/shows/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Main Video

    Return the next main video to be displayed for the show, taking into account the videos themselves and the show's episode_display_mode.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/shows/main_video?id=[show_id],[show_id],...

    This request will return an array of Video objects, the index of which corresponding with the index of the passed in show_id

      // Array of Video objects
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific show ids to retrieve for. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/shows/<ID>/main_video

    This request will return a Video objects

      // A Video object


    A season is a resource that can contain contextual data about a number of episodes.

    Season Object

    Fecth season details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/season/<ID>

      "id": "57a204118cb727dec794cc88",
      "season_number": 1
      "id": "57a204118cb727dec794cc88",
      "show_id": "57a204098cb727dec794c6a7",
      "season_number": 1,
      "legacy_id": 1,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": null,
      "show": {
        // Show object
      "episodes": [
        // Array of episode objects

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the season 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    season_number number false Season number 1

    Seasons list

    Fetch a list of seasons, by default this list is ordered by published date

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/seasons

    This request will return an array of season objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of seasons objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific seasons ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    show_id string Filter by show id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    season_number string Filter by season number 1
    sort string Sort seasons based on possible values, see bellow -updated_at

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    season_number Sort by season number

    Create or update a season object


    A section is a resource that allows you to curate collections of articles, videos, topics, and series.

    Section Object

    Fecth season details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET /<API version>/sections/<Slug or ID>

      "id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
      "title": "Culture",
      "slug": "culture",
      "social_title": null,
      "social_description": null,
      "socials": {
        // Socials object
      "brand_logo_svg_url": "",
      "brand_attribution_svg_url": "",
      "brand_background": {
        // Image object
      "id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
      "parent_id": null,
      "socials": {
        // Socials object
      "brand_background": {
        // Image object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
      "meta": {
        "status_id": 2,
        "published_at": null,
        "title": "Culture",
        "slug": "culture",
        "social_title": null,
        "social_description": null,
        "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c567",
        "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
        "brand_logo_svg_url": "",
        "brand_attribution_svg_url": "",
      "updated_at": 1544199305927,
      "created_at": 1544199305927

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the section 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    title string false The title of the section Culture
    slug string false The lookup slug of the section (must be unique for the section's site/locale scope) culture
    social_title string true Title to appear for social media parsers Vice Culture
    social_description string true Description to appear for social parsers Vice explores culture
    brand_logo_svg_url string true Url for branding logo SVG
    brand_attribution_svg_url string true Url for branding attribution logo SVG

    Create or Update Section

    Create or update a section object

    HTTP Request

    Create section POST<API version>/sections

    Update section PATCH<API version>/sections/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/sections or PATCH /v1.1/sections/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      // Global
      "parent_id": "59dcea52ae54a32d39706782",
      // These are all localizable
      "meta": {
        "status_id": 2,
        "published_at": null,
        "title": "Culture",
        "slug": "culture",
        "social_title": null,
        "social_description": null,
        "brand_logo_svg_url": "",
        "brand_attribution_svg_url": "",
      // These are automatically localized as well
      "socials": {
        // Socials object
      "pinned": [
        { "article_id: "59dcea52ae54a32d39706782" }
        { "video_id: "59dcea52ae54a32d39706782" }
        { "linkout_id: "59dcea52ae54a32d39706782" }
      "links": [
        { "title": "test", "topic_id": "57a204a98cb727dec795188b" },
            { "title": "something", "set_id": "5bc78b4ae46858000600a89f" },
            { "title": "somehting else", "section_id": "5bc78b4ae46858000600a89f" },
            { "title": "another thing", "external_url": "" }
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the section 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    title string false The title of the section Culture
    slug string false The lookup slug of the section (must be unique for the section's site/locale scope) culture
    social_title string true Title to appear for social media parsers Vice Culture
    social_description string true Description to appear for social parsers Vice explores culture
    parent_id string true Another section which this section is a child of. Section's inherit their children's feeds. 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958


    A section can contain an array of curated articles/videos/linkouts that will appear pinned on the top of the page. The format for each of these takes the form:

    { "article_id": "", "video_id": "", "linkout_id": "" }

    Where only one of article_id/video_id/linkout_id should be set.

    A section's links appear in the navigation of the section page and help produce a programatic feed of content. Each consists of a title and one of topic_id, set_id, section_id (pointing to another section), or external_url.

    Add a Images to a section

    Adds images associated with the section. These will be automatically localized.

    HTTP Request

    POST<API version>/sections/<ID>/brand_background POST<API version>/sections/<ID>/social_lede

    Add a branded SVG to a section

    Adds a branded image (must be SVG format). There are two possible types of SVGs, brand_logo_svg_url and brand_attribution_svg_url.

    HTTP Request

    Add a branded SVG POST<API version>/sections/<ID>/brand_logo_svg_url POST<API version>/sections/<ID>/brand_attribution_svg_url

    Add section to article or video

    Articles and videos can belong to a section. This associated can be made by PATCHing the individual article/video as follows:

    PATCH /v1.1/<articles|videos>/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "meta": {
        "section_id": "<SectionID>"

    Sections are added to the article/video payloads as:

    GET /<API version>/<articles|videos>/<ID>

      "id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573"
      // ...Rest of article/video...
      "section": {
        // Section Object
      "id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573"
      // ...Rest of article/video...
      "meta": {
        "section_id": "<SectionID>",
        "section": {
          // Section Object

    Get full section serialization

    Because the full lookup of sections can be fairly large and slow (and they appear inlined in articles and videos) we instead default to a slimmed down version and instead provide other urls for getting the "full" content of a section.

    /full Route

    GET /v1/sections/<Slug or ID>/full

      "id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
      "title": "hello",
      "slug": "world",
      "social_title": null,
      "social_description": null,
      "socials": {
        // Social Object
      "brand_logo_svg_url": "",
      "brand_attribution_svg_url": "",
      "brand_background": {
        // Image object
      "links": [
          "title": "test",
          "external_url": null,
          "type": "topic",
          "data": {
            // Topic Object
          "latest": [
            // Follows the format of "/latest"
              "id": "59e8e65b6be2fc4875f1b822",
              "type": "articles",
              "data": {
                // Article Object
          "title": "something",
          "external_url": null,
          "type": "series",
          "data": {
            // Set Object
          "latest": [
              "id": "5bdc77f6595ea8000613421f",
              "type": "articles",
              "data": {
                // Article Object
              "id": "5bc75e3b5c1f590006d8ce0a",
              "type": "linkout",
              "data": {
                // Linkout Object
          "title": "somehting else",
          "external_url": null,
          "type": "section",
          "data": {
            // Section Object
          "latest": [
              "id": "59e8e65b6be2fc4875f1b822",
              "type": "articles",
              "data": {
                // Article Object
          "title": "another thing",
          "external_url": "",
          "type": "external",
          "data": null,
          "latest": []
      "pinned": [
          "id": "59e8e65b6be2fc4875f1b822",
          "type": "articles",
          "data": {
            // Article Object
          "id": "5be53b71be40771cad7e9e01",
          "type": "videos",
          "data": {
            // Video Object
      "latest": [
          // For now this will be articles only
          "id": "59e8e65b6be2fc4875f1b822",
          "type": "articles",
          "data": {
            // Article Object
      "videos": [
          "id": "5be53b71be40771cad7e9e01",
          "type": "videos",
          "data": {
            // Video Object
    // Currently the "full" route is only serialized using the v1 serializer. For v1.1 it is recommended to use the /links and /pinned urls.

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    latest_limit number The number of latest articles for the section to return. 4
    video_limit number 2
    link_latest_limit number Filter by season number 4

    Get Pinned

    GET /v1.1/sections/<Slug or ID>/pinned

    // Not currently supported in v1
        "section_id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
        "article_id": "59e8e65b6be2fc4875f1b822",
        "video_id": null,
        "linkout_id": null,
        "position": 0,
        "updated_at": 1544451209171,
        "created_at": 1544451209171,
        "video": null,
        "article": {
          // Article Object
        "section_id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
        "article_id": null,
        "video_id": "5be53b71be40771cad7e9e01",
        "linkout_id": null,
        "position": 1,
        "updated_at": 1544451209171,
        "created_at": 1544451209171,
        "article": null,
        "video": {
          // Video Object

    GET /v1.1/sections/<Slug or ID>/links

    // Not currently supported in v1
        "main_section_id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
        "topic_id": "57a204a98cb727dec795188b",
        "set_id": null,
        "section_id": null,
        "external_url": null,
        "title": "test",
        "position": 0,
        "updated_at": 1544451209154,
        "created_at": 1544451209154,
        "set": null,
        "section": null,
        "topic": {
          // Topic Object
        "main_section_id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
        "topic_id": null,
        "set_id": "5bc78b4ae46858000600a89f",
        "section_id": null,
        "external_url": null,
        "title": "something",
        "position": 1,
        "updated_at": 1544451209155,
        "created_at": 1544451209155,
        "topic": null,
        "section": null,
        "set": {
          // Set Object
        "main_section_id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
        "topic_id": null,
        "set_id": null,
        "section_id": "5bc78b4ae46858000600a89f",
        "external_url": null,
        "title": "something",
        "position": 1,
        "updated_at": 1544451209155,
        "created_at": 1544451209155,
        "topic": null,
        "section": {
          // Section Object
        "set": null
        "main_section_id": "5c0a9c89bacf361386c50a22",
        "topic_id": null,
        "set_id": null,
        "section_id": null,
        "external_url": "",
        "title": "another thing",
        "position": 2,
        "updated_at": 1544451209155,
        "created_at": 1544451209155,
        "topic": null,
        "set": null,
        "section": null


    An episode is a resource that contains contextual data about a specific video resource.

    Episode Object

    Fecth episode details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/episodes/<ID>

      "id": "57a204148cb727dec794cd93",
      "episode_number": 2,
      "season": {
        // Season object
        "show": {
          // Show object
      "id": "57a204148cb727dec794cd93",
      "show_id": "57a2040a8cb727dec794c733",
      "season_id": "57a204118cb727dec794cc9d",
      "episode_number": 2,
      "legacy_id": 107,
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": null,
      "season": {
        // Season object
      "show": {
        // Show object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the episode 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    episode_number number false Episode number 1
    season season object true Season the episode belongs to See season object for details
    show show object true Show the episode belongs to See show object for details

    Episodes list

    Fetch a list of episodes

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/episodes

    This request will return an array of episode objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of episodes objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific episodes ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    show_id string Filter by show id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    season_id string Filter by season id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    episode_number string Filter by episode number 1
    sort string Sort episodes based on possible values, see bellow -updated_at

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    episode_number Sort by episode number

    Create or update a episode object


    A video object contains data about the properties of a video. Some of these properties are the same, like title, or lede image. And some are specific to video, like data about the resolution, or format. A video can be part of the same episode, e.g. full video vs part 1 and part 2, the same episode might contain multiple video versions.

    Video Object

    Fecth video details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/videos/<ID>

      "id": "5a14137b177dd46fc1240663",
      "vms_id": "5a14137b177dd46fc1240663",
      "video_type": "full_length",
      "title": "The Artist with Multiple Personalities",
      "body": "Kim Noble is an artist with a difference – over 100 of them, in fact. After suffering childhood abuse, Kim's mind split into over a hundred distinct personalities to cope with the trauma. Over a dozen personalities are painters, including Judy the bulimic teenager, a gay man named Ken, and a mother called Patricia. \n\nWhile Kim was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID) and raising her daughter Aimee, she and her various personalities began painting as a way of understanding their own complex mind. \n\nNow Aimee is at university studying law, and Kim is a world-renowned artist who exhibits her work internationally. VICE meets her on the eve of her group show in London aimed at raising awareness of mental health in art.",
      "dek": "Kim Noble is a painter with dissociative identity disorder – and she uses art to understand her multiple personalities.",
      "summary": "Kim Noble is a painter with dissociative identity disorder – and she uses art to understand her multiple personalities.",
      "suggested_tweet": null,
      "slug": "vice-kim-noble-the-artist-with-multiple-personalities",
      "rating": "TV-PG",
      "duration": 614,
      "locked_scope": 0,
      "schedule_end_date": null,
      "vmp_id": 21961,
      "locale": "en_us",
      "publish_date": 1522775662485,
      "updated_at": 1522813712046,
      "global_site_scope": 3,
      "global_locale_scope": 420636262395,
      "locale_locked_scope": 0,
      "social_description": null,
      "social_title": null,
      "nsfb": false,
      "nsfw": false,
      "locked": false,
      "embed_only": false,
      "urls": [
      "embed_urls": [
      "episode": {
        // Episode object
        "season": {
          // Season object
          "show": {
            // Show object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image Object
      "channel": {
        // Channel Object
      "contributions": [
        // Array of Contributions object
      "embed_url": "",
      "url": "",
      "caption": null,
      "credit": null,
      "filename": "5a14137b177dd46fc1240663-1522750225086.jpg",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center",
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "primary_topic": null
      "id": "5a14137b177dd46fc1240663",
      "show_id": "57a204098cb727dec794c6f4",
      "episode_id": "5ac3b40fad083b3ca89fb612",
      "channel_id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
      "season_id": "57a204118cb727dec794cc93",
      "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
      "vms_id": "5a14137b177dd46fc1240663",
      "vms_project_id": "274330",
      "insider_video_id": "34310",
      "uplynk_channel_id": "2d6a9b6e170942c59b8fde66875f0d38",
      "video_type": "full_length",
      "video_part": null,
      "video_duration": 614,
      "video_rating": "TV-PG",
      "legacy_id": 21961,
      "global_site_scope": 3,
      "global_locale_scope": 420636262395,
      "locale_playback_scope": 420636262395,
      "created_at": 1522775055411,
      "updated_at": 1522813712046,
      "restrict_unknown_locales": false,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content policy object
      "episode": {
        // Episode object
        "season": {
          // Season object
        "show": {
          // Show object
      "season": {
        // Season object
      "base": {
        // Base object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "slugs": [
        // Array of slug objects
      "slug": {
        // Slug object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "content_policies": [
        // Array of content policies objects
      "locale": {
        // Locale object
      "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object
      "channel": {
        // Channel object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
      "urls": [
      "embed_urls": [

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the video 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    vms_id string false Internal ID used for ingesting `5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    video_type enum('trailer','full_length','excerpt','extra_scene','part','variant','web_only') false Type of video full_length
    video_part number true if its not a full video this will represent the video part number 1
    title string true Video's title The Artist with Multiple Personalities
    body string true Video's html body content, usually a description of the video or relevant to it Kim Noble is an artist with a difference – over 100 of them, in fact. After suffering childhood abuse, Kim's mind split into over a hundred distinct personalities to cope with the trauma. Over a dozen personalities are painters, including Judy the bulimic teenager, a gay man named Ken, and a mother called Patricia. \n\nWhile Kim was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID) and raising her daughter Aimee, she and her various personalities began painting as a way of understanding their own complex mind. \n\nNow Aimee is at university studying law, and Kim is a world-renowned artist who exhibits her work internationally. VICE meets her on the eve of her group show in London aimed at raising awareness of mental health in art.
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.
    summary string true Short description of the video Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    suggested_tweet string true Suggested default text for tweets Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    slug string false Pretty custom url path the-l-train-shutdown-is-bad-news-for-queens-too
    rating string false Video content rating TV-PG
    duration number false Video duration length in seconds 614
    locale_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping for locales, for internal use only 1
    site_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping for sites, for internal use only 1
    locale_display_scope string or number false deprecated 0
    locale_locked_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which locale content is behind paywall, for internal use only 0
    locked_scope string or number false Bitwise scoping that determines in which site content is behind paywall, for internal use only 0
    locked boolean false Flag that determines if video requires TV provider login false
    embed_only boolean false Flag that determines if video can only be present as an embed, see feed visiblity for more information false
    schedule_end_date number true Date in ms when embargo date is set for publication time 1521486871766
    social_description string true Custom video description presented on social media platforms Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    social_title string true Custom video title presented on social media platforms The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    nsfb boolean false Flag to determine if video is safe for advertising brands true
    nsfw boolean false Flag to determine if video is safe for work true
    locale string false Original url_fragment where the video was created en_us
    publish_date number true Date video was published in ms 1520959512483
    vmp_id number true Legacy ID reference 132
    urls array of string false List of urls where video can be present, VICE publishes videos across multiple sites and regions [""]
    embed_urls array of string false List of urls of avaiable embeddable urls [""]
    url string (deprecated) false Video url in the current context (site and locale)
    embed_url string (deprecated) false Embed video url in the current context (site and locale)
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    channel channel object true VICE Brand that the video belongs to See channel object for details
    contributions array of contributions object false List of video's contributors See contributions object for details
    topics array of embedded topics object false List of Topics for video See embedded topics object for details
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    system_tags array false deprecated []
    genres array false deprecated []
    primary_topic string true Not in use for videos null
    episode episode object true Video's episode information See episode object for details
    episode.season season object true Video's season information See season object for details show object true Video's show information See show object for details

    Videos list

    Fetch a list of videos, by default this list is ordered by published date

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/videos

    This request will return an array of video objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of video objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific video ids to retrieve. 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,5aa7db2265cc6a00065bde62
    video_type enum('trailer','full_length','excerpt','extra_scene','part','variant','web_only') Filter videos by type full_length
    rating string Filter by video content rating TV-MA
    video_part number Filter by video part number 1
    restrict_unknown_locales boolean Filter videos by availiability in unknown locales true
    season_id string Filter by season id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    episode_id string Filter by episode id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    channel_id string Filter by channel id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    show_id string Filter by show id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    contributor_id string Filter by contributor id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    topic_id string Filter by topic id 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    slug string Filter videos by a given slug video-slug
    nsfw boolean Filter videos by not safe for work flag true
    status_id string Filter videos based on status_id 3
    published_at enum('future', 'this_week', 'last_week', 'last_month') Filter videos based on published date future
    sort string Sort videos based on possible values, see bellow -video_type

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    video_type Sort articles by video type
    published_at Sort by published date
    created_at Sort by created date
    updated_at Sort by updated date
    deleted_at Sort by deleted date
    episode_display_mode Sort by selected episode display mode

    Get a list of content policies

    Display where a video is distributed, site and locales and what visibility rules it has for each. You can use this endpoint to display proper meta tags or link content for SEO purposes. See content policy object for details

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/videos/<ID>/content_policies

      // Array of content policies objects

    Create video

    Update a video object

    Updates a video object

    HTTP Request

    Update video PATCH<API version>/videos/<ID>

    PATCH /v1.1/videos/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "locale_playback_scope": 1,
      "restrict_unknown_locales": false,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content policy object
      "base": {
        // Base object
      "meta": {
        // Meta object
      "slug": {
        // Slug object
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object
      "social_lede": {
        // Image object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    restrict_unknown_locales boolean Flag to allow playback on locales unkown to the api false
    locale_playback_scope number Bitwise operator representing all locales video is allowed for playback false
    content_policy content policy object See content policy object for details false
    meta meta object See meta object for details false
    base base object See base object for details false
    contributions contributions object See base object for details false
    topics topics object See base object for details false
    slug slug object See slug object for details false
    social_lede image object See image object for details false
    lede image object See image object for details false

    Delete video

    Removes video from visibility

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/videos/<ID>

    Add, Delete or update an image for a video

    Adds an image to the video, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for video are lede and social_lede

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/videos/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/videos/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/videos/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>


    Upon being published videos will be processed to extract metadata about the subject matter of the content. This data can be retrieved by going to:

    GET<API version>/videos/<ID>/extractions

        "base_id": "5c4217e5e9d0266702a03976",
        "source": "Grapeshot",
        "class": "gs_politics",
        "title": "Brexit",
        "score": 0.92,
        "created_at": 1547836215747,
        "updated_at": 1547836215747
        "base_id": "5c4217e5e9d0266702a03976",
        "source": "Grapeshot",
        "class": "gs_politics",
        "title": "EU",
        "score": 0.92,
        "created_at": 1547836215747,
        "updated_at": 1547836215747

    Homepage Carousel Items

    Homepage Carousel Items provide an ordered list for displaying short videos on the video frontend's homepage.

    Fetch a homepage carousel item by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/homepage_carousel_items/<ID>

      "id": "59fc4e37b9a1d50fae470d4f",
      "legacy_id": 773,
      "url": "",
      "label": "VICE MEETS",
      "display_title": "Marina Abramović: Nejznámější performerka naší doby",
      "title": "Marina Abramović: Nejznámější performerka naší doby",
      "position": 0,
      "updated_at": 1509707335442,
      "video_lede": "",
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "video": {
        // Video object
      "collection": null,
      "caption": null,
      "credit": null,
      "filename": "1509708005385-marina-abramovic-still-doesnt-give-a-fuck-1479148146.jpeg",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center",
      "show": {
        // Show Object
      "mobile_hero": {
        // Image Object
        "id": "59fc4e37b9a1d50fae470d4f",
        "position": 0,
        "legacy_id": 773,
        "url": "",
        "display_title": "Marina Abramović: Nejznámější performerka naší doby",
        "label": "VICE MEETS",
        "filename": "VICE_MARINAABRAMOVIC_LOOP_X264-master.m3u8",
        "path": "videos/homepagecarouselitem/59fc4e37b9a1d50fae470d4f/output",
        "created_at": 1509707319327,
        "updated_at": 1509707765907,
        "content_policy": {
          // Content Policy Object
        "lede": {
          // Image Object
        "video": {
          // Video Object
        "show": {
          // Show object
        "mobile_hero": {
          // Image Object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 58f4cd7473e7c17a75526deb
    legacy_id number false Legacy ID reference 123
    url string true The url that the homepage item should link to
    label string true A small descriptive label that will be rendered on the FE Inside the Crisis Actor Conspiracy Movement
    display_title string true A descriptive title to be displayed on the FE False Flag Hoaxers
    title string true An alias for display_title False Flag Hoaxers
    position number false What order this item should appear in 0
    video_lede string false A url for the lede video LOOP-X264-master.m3u8
    lede image object true Lede image for the item (these fields will also be copied to the root of the object for the v1 serialization) See image object for details
    video video object true The video entry if the url is pointing to a vice video See video object for details
    content_policy content policy object true The content policy associated with this entry See content policy object for details

    Fetch a list of homepage carousel items, by default this list is ordered by position ascending

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/homepage_carousel_items

    This request will return an array of homepage carousel item objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of homepage carousel item objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    display_title string Filter by the display title of items False%20Flag%20Hoaxers
    position number Filter by the position of an item 0
    id string Find by the id of an item 57a204088cb727dec794c67f
    status number Filter by the status_id of an item 3

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    id Sort by the id
    position Sort by position
    display_title Sort by display_title

    Create or update a homepage carousel item

    HTTP Request

    Create article POST

    Update article PATCH<ID>

    POST /v1.1/homepage_carousel_item or PATCH /v1.1/homepage_carousel_items/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        "display_title": "False Flag Hoaxers",
        "label": "Inside the Crisis Actor Conspiracy Movement",
        "url": ""
        "filename": ""small-master.m3u8"",
        "path": "videos/homepagecarouselitem/5adf2cb2f1d12e00078739e2/output",
        "position": 0
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    display_title string(255) A descriptive title to be displayed on the FE false
    label string(45) A small descriptive label that will be rendered on the FE false
    url string(255) The url that the homepage item should link to false
    position number The position the item should be at false
    filename string(255) The filename of the video file. This should be set to the returned value from the video upload false
    path string(255) The relative path to the video file. This should be set to the returned value from the video upload false
    show_id string ID of a show associated with this homepage_carousel_item false

    Removes homepage carousel item from visibility

    HTTP Request


    Adds an associated lede to the homepage carousel item, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<ID>/lede

    Update an image PATCH<ID>/lede/<LEDE ID>

    Delete an image DELETE<ID>/lede/<LEDE ID>

    Adds an associated mobile hero image to the homepage carousel item, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<ID>/mobile_hero

    Update an image PATCH<ID>/mobile_hero/<IMAGE ID>

    Delete an image DELETE<ID>/mobile_hero/<IMAGE ID>

    Uploads and associated a video to a homepage carousel item.

    HTTP Request

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9051914041544843365972754266
    Content-Length: 554
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file.mp4"
    Content-Type: video/mp4
    Content of file.mp4
    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "filename": "small-master.m3u8",
      "path": "videos/homepagecarouselitem/5adf2cb2f1d12e00078739e2/output"

    Supported Content-Types are:

    Parameter and Type Description Required
    file stream File to be uploaded, see above for supported content types and encodings true

    Get status of video encoding

    Get the encoding progress of a video.

    GET<API version>/homepage_carousel_items/<ID>

      "status": "processing",
      "description": ""

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description
    status enum(submitted, progressing, complete, canceled, error) true The status of the job
    description string true Information that further explains the status


    Horoscopes are VICE's editorial interpretation of the current astrology. They can be monthly, weekly and daily, they can also be based on sun, lunar or ascendant signs

    Horoscope Object

    Fetch horoscope details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscopes/<ID>

      "id": "hexid",
      "locale_id": "hexid",
      "locale": "en_us",
      "horoscope_type": "sun",
      "type": "monthly",
      "slug": "minima-laudantium-veritatis-quis-nihil-quod-sequi",
      "dek": "voluptates",
      "cosmic_events": "Numquam placeat atque unde sed.",
      "title": "iusto",
      "summary": "Placeat tempora vitae ducimus at a quia voluptatum.",
      "body": "Sequi fugit magni quidem nihil illo corporis dolor eos.",
      "word_count": 530,
      "social_title": "hic",
      "social_description": "Quam asperiores eos repellendus.",
      "html_page_title": "ea",
      "horoscope_date": "2018-11-18T00:00:00.000Z",
      "social_lede": {
        // Image Object
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object
      "alt_text": null,
      "caption": "voluptate",
      "credit": "eos",
      "filename": "quod.lnk",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";0.4215xw,0xh",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";0xw,0xh",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center"
      "id": "hexid",
      "locale": {
        // Locale Object
      "horoscope_type": "sun",
      "type": "monthly",
      "slug": "minima-laudantium-veritatis-quis-nihil-quod-sequi",
      "dek": "voluptates",
      "cosmic_events": "Numquam placeat atque unde sed.",
      "title": "iusto",
      "summary": "Placeat tempora vitae ducimus at a quia voluptatum.",
      "body": "Sequi fugit magni quidem nihil illo corporis dolor eos.",
      "word_count": 530,
      "social_title": "hic",
      "social_description": "Quam asperiores eos repellendus.",
      "html_page_title": "ea",
      "horoscope_date": "2018-11-18T00:00:00.000Z",
      "published_at": 1518638177597,
      "created_at": 1518638177597,
      "updated_at": 1518638177597,
      "status_id": 3,
      "social_lede": {
        // Image Object
      lede: {
        // Image Object
      "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
      "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the horoscope 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    locale_id string false Locale ID the horoscope is associated with 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    locale string false Original url_fragment where the horoscope was created en_us
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.
    type enum('monthly', 'weekly', 'daily') false Type for the horoscope daily
    title string true Horocope's title The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    slug string false Pretty custom url path the-l-train-shutdown-is-bad-news-for-queens-too
    summary string true Short description of horoscope Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    body string true HTML Body of the horoscope <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    cosmic_events string true Cosmic events for the current horoscope Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    word_count number true Horoscope's content word count 1137
    social_description string true Custom horoscope description presented on social media platforms Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    social_title string true Custom horoscope title presented on social media platforms The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    horoscope_date DateTime false Horoscope valid start date 2018-11-18T00:00:00.000Z
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    contributions array of contributions object false List of horoscope's contributors See contributions object for details
    topics array of embedded topics object false List of Topics for the horoscope See embedded topics object for details

    Horoscopes List

    Fetch a list of horoscopes

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscopes

    This request will return an array of horoscope objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of horoscope objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific horoscopes ids to retrieve. 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa,5abcfefacda0b40006ac220b
    slug string Filter horoscopes by a given slug horoscope-slug
    status_id string Filter horoscopes based on status_id 3
    published_at enum(future, this_week, last_week, last_month) Filter horoscopes based on published date future

    List of Horoscope Items for a Horoscope

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscopes/<ID | slug>/horoscope_items

    This request will return an array of horoscope items, for more details on pagination see See horoscope item object for more details on the response.

      // Array of horoscope item objects

    Single Horoscope Item for a Horoscope

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscopes/<ID | slug>/horoscope_items/<HoroscopeItemID | HoroscopeZodiacSlug>

    This request will return a single horoscope item belonging to the selected horoscope. See horoscope item object for more details.

        // Horoscope Item Object

    Create or Update horoscopes

    Create or update a horoscpe object

    HTTP Request

    Create horoscope POST<API version>/horoscopes

    Update horoscope PATCH<API version>/horoscopes/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/horoscopes or PATCH /v1.1/horoscopes/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
      "type": "weekly",
      "published_at": 1518638177597,
      "status_id": 3,
      "slug": "horoscope-unique-slug",
      "dek": "dekdekdek",
      "cosmic_events": "cosmic events for horoscope",
      "title": "Daily Horoscopes: November 17, 2018",
      "summary": "horoscope summary",
      "body": "<p>The moon in dreamy Pisces squares off with Mercury retrograde at 2:41 AM, finding us deep in thought. We have the urge to say what's on our minds, but with both Mercury retrograde and the moon meeting Neptune, the planet of delusion, at 3:08 AM, it's better to dive within yourself than make any public statements. The time for that will come later, when the moon connects with power planet Pluto at 2:10 PM, encouraging us to take a stand!</p>",
      "word_count": 120,
      "social_title": "Daily Horoscopes: November 17, 2018",
      "social_descrition": "The moon in Pisces lights up the home and family sector of your chart today, and you’re in a nostalgic mood, especially this morning. The vibe shifts as the moon connects with Pluto this afternoon, finding you focused on security.",
      "html_page_title": "Title: Daily Horoscopes: November 17, 2018",
      "horoscope_date": "1988-08-13T01:00:00.000Z",
      "lede": {
        // lede object
      "social_lede": {
        // lede object
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    locale_id string ID of locale the horoscope belongs to true
    type enum('monthly', 'weekly', 'daily') Horoscope type daily
    published_at number Date in ms when the object was published, date can be set in the future for scheduled posts false
    status_id enum(1,2,3,4,5) Status code that represents published state of the horoscope false
    slug string Slug for the horoscope - Unique in locale of horoscopes true
    dek string Summary that appears under the headline of the horoscope false
    cosmic_events string Cosmic events for the horoscope false
    title string Title of the horoscope false
    summary string Short description of the horoscope false
    body string HTML content of the attached resource false
    word_count number Horoscope's content word count false
    social_title string Custom horoscope title presented on social media platforms false
    social_description string Custom horoscope description presented on social media platforms false
    html_page_title string Custom title of the horoscope SEO false
    horoscope_date string Date the horoscope is set to start true

    Add, Delete or Update an image for a horoscope

    Adds an image to the horoscope, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for horoscope is lede and social_lede

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Create or update a horoscope item for a horoscope

    Create or update a horoscope item object for a horoscope

    HTTP Request

    Create horoscope item POST<API version>/horoscopes/<ID>/horoscope_items

    Update horoscope item PATCH<API version>/horoscopes/<ID>/horoscope_items/<HoroscopeItemID>

    POST /v1.1/horoscopes/<ID>/horoscope_items or PATCH /v1.1/horoscopes/<ID>/horoscope_items/<HoroscopeItemID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        // horoscope_item object

    Horoscope Items

    A horoscope item contains detail information about each zodiac horoscope.

    Horoscope Item Object

    Fetch horoscope item details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscope_items/<ID | zodiac_slug>

         // Horoscope object
        // Zodiac base object
       "sun_sign_body":"Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "friend_family_body":"Impedit ut perferendis harum nihil.",
       "crush_body":"Dignissimos quidem eveniet asperiores est sapiente sequi delectus.",
       "rising_sign_body":"Dignissimos quidem Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "sun_sign_extended_body":"Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid. Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "dek":"Et ipsum totam asperiores tempora et omnis voluptatem quos.",
       "social_title":"Facilis voluptatem minus ratione.",
       "social_description":"Blanditiis ut quia nisi.",
       "social_lede": {
         // Image object
       "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
       "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object
       "thumbnail_url": "",
       "thumbnail_url_16_9": "",
       "thumbnail_url_1_1": "",
       "thumbnail_url_2_3": "",
       "thumbnail_url_10_4": "",
       "thumbnail_url_10_3": "",
       "thumbnail_url_7_10": "",
       "thumbnail_url_952_498": ""
         // Horoscope object
        // Zodiac base object
       "horoscope_first_body":"Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "sun_sign_body":"Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "friend_family_body":"Impedit ut perferendis harum nihil.",
       "crush_body":"Dignissimos quidem eveniet asperiores est sapiente sequi delectus.",
       "rising_sign_body":"Dignissimos quidem Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "sun_sign_extended_body":"Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid. Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "dek":"Et ipsum totam asperiores tempora et omnis voluptatem quos.",
       "social_title":"Facilis voluptatem minus ratione.",
       "social_description":"Blanditiis ut quia nisi.",
       "published_at": 1518638177597,
       "created_at": 1518638177597,
       "updated_at": 1518638177597,
       "status_id": 3,
       "social_lede": {
         // Image object
       "lede": {
         // Image object
       "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
       "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the horoscope item `5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958'
    horoscope_id string false ID of the horoscope this item belongs to 5abd09f752d29c14e0b468b7
    zodiac zodiac base object true Zodiac base object used for horoscope item See zodiac base object for details
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.
    meme_url string false Meme image for the current horsocope item, should not be resized
    sun_sign_body string true HTML Body of the horoscope <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    friend_family_body string true HTML Body of the horoscope in 3rd person (friends/family) <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    crush_body string true HTML Body of the horoscope in 3rd person (crush) <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    rising_sign_body string true HTML Body of the horoscope for the rising sun <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    sun_sign_extended_body string true HTML Extended Body of the horoscope <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    social_description string true Custom horoscope description presented on social media platforms Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    social_title string true Custom horoscope title presented on social media platforms The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    contributions array of contributions object false List of horoscope's contributors See contributions object for details
    topics array of embedded topics object false List of Topics for the horoscope See embedded topics object for details

    Horoscope Items List

    Fetch a list of horoscope items

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscope_items

    This request will return an array of horoscope item object, for more details on pagination see

        // Array of horoscope item objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific horoscope item ids to retrieve 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa,5abcfefacda0b40006ac220b
    zodiac string Filter horoscope items by a given zodiac slug leo
    status_id number Filter horoscope items based on status_id 3
    published_at enum(future, this_week, last_week, last_month) Filter horoscope items based on a published date future
    horoscope_id string Filter horoscope items by a given horoscope_id 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa

    Create or Update Horoscope Item

    Create or update a horoscope item object

    HTTP Request

    Create horoscope item POST<API version>/horoscope_items

    Update horoscope item PATCH<API version>/horoscope_items/<ID>

    POST v1.1/horoscope_items or PATCH v1.1/horoscope_items/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
       "horoscope_id": "hexid",
       "zodiac": "leo"
       "sun_sign_body":"Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "friend_family_body":"Impedit ut perferendis harum nihil.",
       "crush_body":"Dignissimos quidem eveniet asperiores est sapiente sequi delectus.",
       "rising_sign_body":"Dignissimos quidem Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "sun_sign_extended_body":"Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid. Repudiandae nam accusamus aliquid.",
       "dek":"Et ipsum totam asperiores tempora et omnis voluptatem quos.",
       "social_title":"Facilis voluptatem minus ratione.",
       "social_description":"Blanditiis ut quia nisi.",
       "published_at": 1518638177597,
       "status_id": 3,
       "social_lede": {
         // Image object
       "lede": {
         // Image object
       "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
       "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Description Required On Create
    horscope_id string ID of horoscope this item belongs to true
    zodiac [zodiac slug] string ( Zodiac slug used for horoscope item true
    dek string Summary that appears below the headline false
    meme_url string Meme image for the current horsocope item, should not be resized false
    sun_sign_body string The horoscope item HTML body false
    friend_family_body string HTML Body of the horoscope in 3rd person (friends/family) false
    crush_body string HTML Body of the horoscope in 3rd person (crush) false
    rising_sign_body string HTML Body of the horoscope for the rising sun false
    sun_sign_extended_body string HTML Body of the horoscope (extended version) false
    schedule_end_date number The date after which this item should no longer be displayed false
    published_at number The date that this item was/will be published at false
    social_description string Custom horoscope item description presented on social media platforms false
    social_title string Custom horoscope item title presented on social media platforms false
    contributions contributions object See contributions object for details false
    topics topic object See contributions object for details false

    Add, Delete or Update an image for a horoscope item

    Adds an image to the horoscope item, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for horoscope items is lede and social_lede.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/horoscope_items/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/horoscope_items/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/horoscope_items/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>


    Zodiac are an editorial resource for each of the zodiac signs

    Zodiac Object

    Fetch zodiac details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/zodiacs/<ID | zodiac_slug>

        // Zodiac base object
       "summary":"Non velit est eos quam sunt aut et.",
       "body":"Laboriosam et quis voluptatem labore corrupti ut omnis voluptatem consequatur.",
       "social_description":"Blanditiis dolore veritatis ut earum.",
       "social_lede": {
         // Image object
       "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
       "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object
        // Zodiac base object
       "summary":"Non velit est eos quam sunt aut et.",
       "body":"Laboriosam et quis voluptatem labore corrupti ut omnis voluptatem consequatur.",
       "social_description":"Blanditiis dolore veritatis ut earum.",
       "published_at": 1518638177597,
       "created_at": 1518638177597,
       "updated_at": 1518638177597,
       "status_id": 3,
       "social_lede": {
         // Image object
       "lede": {
         // Image object
       "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
       "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the zodiac `5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958'
    locale_id string false Locale ID the zodiac is associated with 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    locale string false Original url_fragment where the zodiac was created en_us
    zodiac zodiac base object true Zodiac base object used for zodiac item See zodiac base object for details
    dek string true Summary that appears below the headline Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island City and its surrounding neighborhoods a living hell.
    body string true HTML Body of the zodiac <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    word_count number true Zodiac's content word count 1137
    social_description string true Custom zodiac description presented on social media platforms Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island
    social_title string true Custom zodiac title presented on social media platforms The L Train Shutdown Is Bad News for Queens, Too
    social_lede image object true Custom image used in social platforms See image object for details
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center
    contributions array of contributions object false List of zodiac's contributors See contributions object for details
    topics array of embedded topics object false List of Topics for the zodiac See embedded topics object for details

    Zodiac Base Object

    Fetch zodiac details base object by id, without any editorial content

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/zodiacs/<ID | zodiac_slug>

      "logo_black_svg_url": "",
      "logo_white_svg_url": ""
      "logo_black_svg_url": "",
      "logo_white_svg_url": ""

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    sign string false Zodiac sign Capricorn
    sign string false Zodiac slug sign used as an identifier capricorn
    IAU_boundaries object false contains start and end date for the current zodiac sign according to IAU {"start":"01-19","end":"02-15"}
    date_boundaries object false contains start and end date for the current zodiac sign according to VICE editorial {"start":"01-19","end":"02-15"}
    logo_black_svg_url string true Black version of zodiac's SVG logo
    logo_white_svg_url string true White version of zodiac's SVG logo

    Zodiac List

    Fetch a list of zodiacs

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/zodiacs

    This request will return an array of zodiac object, for more details on pagination see

        // Array of zodiac objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific zodiac ids to retrieve 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa,5abcfefacda0b40006ac220b
    zodiac string Filter zodiac by a given zodiac slug leo
    status_id number Filter zodiac based on status_id 3
    published_at enum(future, this_week, last_week, last_month) Filter zodiac items based on a published date future

    Create or Update Zodiac

    Create or update a zodiac object

    HTTP Request

    Create zodiac POST<API version>/zodiacs

    Update zodiac PATCH<API version>/zodiacs/<ID>

    POST v1.1/zodiacs or PATCH v1.1/zodiacs/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
       "zodiac": "leo",
       "summary":"Non velit est eos quam sunt aut et.",
       "body":"Laboriosam et quis voluptatem labore corrupti ut omnis voluptatem consequatur.",
       "social_description":"Blanditiis dolore veritatis ut earum.",
       "published_at": 1518638177597,
       "status_id": 3,
       "social_lede": {
         // Image object
       "lede": {
         // Image object
       "topics": [
        // Array of embedded topic object
       "contributors": [
        // Array of Contributions object

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Description Required On Create
    locale_id string ID of the locale this item belongs to true
    zodiac [zodiac slug] string ( Zodiac slug used for zodiac true
    body string The zodiac item body false
    word_count number Zodiac's content word count false
    schedule_end_date number The date after which this item should no longer be displayed false
    published_at number The date that this item was/will be published at false
    social_description string Custom zodiac description presented on social media platforms false
    social_title string Custom zodiac title presented on social media platforms false
    contributions contributions object See contributions object for details false
    topics topic object See contributions object for details false

    Add, Delete or Update an image for a zodiac item

    Adds an image to the zodiac, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for zodiacs is lede and social_lede.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/zodiacs/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/zodiacs/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/zodiacs/<ID>/<IMAGE TYPE>

    Horoscopes Compatibility

    Horoscopes compatibility show the comparisons of 2 zodiac signs and its possibilities from VICE's editorial interpretation

    Horoscope Compatibility Object

    Fetch horoscope compatibility details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscopes_compatibility/<ID>

      "id": "5c2e95daf23a190a7fc82436",
      "locale_id": "5c2e95daf23a190a7fc82420",
      "locale": "en_us",
      "date_range_start": 1546556883848,
      "date_range_end": 1546556887448,
      "zodiac_sign_1": {
        // Zodiac base object
      "zodiac_sign_2": {
        // Zodiac base object
      "body": "Iste tempore quis dolorem temporibus ut minima laboriosam nostrum.",
      "word_count": 501,
      "share": null,
      "publish_date": 1546556883848,
      "alt_text": null,
      "caption": "perspiciatis",
      "credit": "eligendi",
      "filename": "quia.nfo",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo?crop=1xw:0.6868498049414824xh;center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo?crop=0.8189563365282215xw:1xh;center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo?crop=0.5459708910188144xw:1xh;center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo?crop=1xw:0.48842652795838754xh;center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo?crop=1xw:0.3663198959687906xh;center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo?crop=0.573269435569755xw:1xh;center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": "eligendi/commodi/molestiasquia.nfo?crop=1xw:0.6387510791052442xh;center,center"
      "id": "hexid",
      "locale_id": "hexid",
      "locale": {
        // Locale Object
      lede: {
        // Image Object
      "date_range_start": 1546556883848,
      "date_range_end": 1546556887448,
      "zodiac_sign_1": "zodiac slug",
      "zodiac_sign_2": "zodiac slug",
      "body": "Iste tempore quis dolorem temporibus ut minima laboriosam nostrum.",
      "word_count": 501,
      "body_extended": "Quis dolorem temporibus ut minima laboriosam nostrum. Iste tempore quis dolorem temporibus ut minima laboriosam nostrum.",
      "word_count_extended": 517,
      "share": null,
      "published_at": 1518638177597,
      "created_at": 1518638177597,
      "updated_at": 1518638177597,
      "status_id": 3

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the horoscope compatibility item 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    zodiac_sign_1 zodiac base object true Zodiac base object used to compare See zodiac base object for details
    zodiac_sign_2 zodiac base object true Zodiac base object used to compare See zodiac base object for details
    locale_id string false Locale ID the horoscope compatibility is associated with 5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958
    locale string false Original url_fragment where the horoscope compatibility was created en_us
    date_range_start false Timestamp where the range of time of the compatilbity is valid, starting time 1546556883848
    date_range_end false Timestamp where the range of time of the compatilbity is valid, ending time 1546556883848
    publish_date number true Date where object was published in ms 1520959512483
    word_count number true Horoscope's compatibility content word count 1137
    body string true HTML Body of the horoscope compatibility <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    body_extended string true HTML Extended Body of the horoscope compatibility <p>Residents are concerned the upcoming closure will make commuting in Long Island</p>
    word_count_extended number true Horoscope's compatibility extended content word count 1137
    caption string true Lede image caption The L Train
    credit string true Lede image credit Court Square G platform. Photo by Harrison Leong
    filename string false Image filename 1520959111893-Court_Square_-_Crosstown_Platform.jpeg
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    thumbnail_url thumbnail_url_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string false Lede image url and all the possible crops by ratio (width_height);center,center

    Horoscopes Compatiblity List

    Fetch a list of horoscopes_compatiblity

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/horoscopes_compatiblity

    This request will return an array of horoscopes_compatiblity objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of horoscopes_compatiblity objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific horoscopes_compatiblity ids to retrieve. 5ac3c33b05d2a40006b3acaa,5abcfefacda0b40006ac220b
    status_id string Filter horoscopes_compatiblity based on status_id 3
    published_at enum(future, this_week, last_week, last_month) Filter horoscopes_compatiblity based on published date future
    zodiac_sign string Filter horoscopes_compatiblity to the ones that include the passed in sign taurus
    zodiac_signs string Filter horoscopes_compatiblity to the passed in pair of signs taurus,leo

    Create or Update horoscopes compatibility

    Create or update a horoscope compatibility object

    HTTP Request

    Create horoscope compatibility POST<API version>/horoscopes_compatiblity

    Update horoscope compatibility PATCH<API version>/horoscopes_compatiblity/<ID>

    POST /v1.1/horoscopes_compatiblity or PATCH /v1.1/horoscopes_compatiblity/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "locale_id": "hexid",
      lede: {
        // Image Object
      "date_range_start": 1546556883848,
      "date_range_end": 1546556887448,
      "zodiac_sign_1": "zodiac slug",
      "zodiac_sign_2": "zodiac slug",
      "body": "Iste tempore quis dolorem temporibus ut minima laboriosam nostrum.",
      "word_count": 501,
      "body_extended": "Quis dolorem temporibus ut minima laboriosam nostrum. Iste tempore quis dolorem temporibus ut minima laboriosam nostrum.",
      "word_count_extended": 517,
      "share": null,
      "published_at": 1518638177597,
      "created_at": 1518638177597,
      "updated_at": 1518638177597,
      "status_id": 3
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    locale_id string ID of locale the horoscope belongs to the object true
    date_range_start number Timestamp where the range of time of the compatilbity is valid, starting time true
    date_range_end number Timestamp where the range of time of the compatilbity is valid, ending time true
    zodiac_sign_1 zodiac slug string Zodiac slug used to compare See zodiac base object for details
    zodiac_sign_2 zodiac slug string Zodiac slug used to compare See zodiac base object for details
    published_at number Date in ms when the object was published, date can be set in the future for scheduled posts false
    status_id enum(1,2,3,4,5) Status code that represents published state of the object false
    body string HTML content of the attached resource false
    word_count number Object's content word count false
    body_extended string HTML extended content of the attached resource false
    word_count_extended number Object's extended content word count false

    Add, Delete or Update an image for a horoscope compatibility item

    Adds an image to the horoscope compatibility, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for horoscope compatibility is lede

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede

    Delete an image DELETE<API version>/campaigns/<ID>/lede


    The astro endpoints provide a means of retrieving and updating profile data in the context of horoscopes. The use of these endpoints requires that your request be associated with a user.

    Get profile

    Get the astro profile associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request


        "id": "5c183708e775d306c377dcf5",
        "place_of_birth": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "date_of_birth": {
            "year": 1992,
            "month": 5,
            "day": 5
        "time_of_birth": {
            "hours": 12,
            "minutes": 30
        "phone_number": "(217) 555-1234",
        "astrology_data": {
            "asc": "09’30",
            "moon": "09’30",
            "sun": "09’30"
        "sun_sign_override": "leo",
        "zodiac": {
            "sun": "leo",
            "moon": "taurus",
            "asc": "scorpio"
        // The values in the `user` field are global to
        // the Vice ecosystem and are shared with other services.
        // Additionally, they may be autofilled by logging in with
        // a third-party provider
        "user": {
            "first_name": "CJ",
            "last_name": "DiMaggio",
            "gender": "male",
            "timezone": -4
        "created_at": "2018-12-17T23:53:44.916Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-18T01:39:13.792Z"

    Update profile

    Update the astro profile associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request

    PATCH with a payload of application/json data.

    // Updatable fields
        "place_of_birth": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "date_of_birth": {
            "year": 1992,
            "month": 5,
            "day": 5
        "time_of_birth": {
            "hours": 12,
            "minutes": 30
        "phone_number": "(217) 555-1234",
        "sun_sign_override": "leo",
        "user": {
            "first_name": "CJ",
            "last_name": "DiMaggio",
            "gender": "male",
            "timezone": -4,
            "new_email": "",
            "new_password": "newpassword",
            "password": "currentpassword"

    Look Up Contacts

    Get array of astro profiles associated with phone numbers that are passed in as a query parameter. Each record will contain a flag indicating whether or not they are already friends with the user associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request


            "id": "5c183708e775d306c377dcf5",
            "place_of_birth": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "date_of_birth": {
                "year": 1992,
                "month": 5,
                "day": 5
            "time_of_birth": {
                "hours": 12,
                "minutes": 30
            "phone_number": "(217) 555-1234",
            "astrology_data": {
                "asc": "09’30",
                "moon": "09’30",
                "sun": "09’30"
            "sun_sign_override": "leo",
            "zodiac": {
                "sun": "leo",
                "moon": "taurus",
                "asc": "scorpio"
            // The values in the `user` field are global to
            // the Vice ecosystem and are shared with other services.
            // Additionally, they may be autofilled by logging in with
            // a third-party provider
            "user": {
                "id": "5c183708e775d306c377edg6",
                "first_name": "CJ",
                "last_name": "DiMaggio",
                "gender": "male",
                "timezone": -4
            "created_at": "2018-12-17T23:53:44.916Z",
            "updated_at": "2018-12-18T01:39:13.792Z",
            "is_friend": 1

    Astro Users

    These endpoints provide a means of dealing with users that are not yourself. The use of these endpoints requires that your request be associated with a user with super-user permissions.

    Delete user

    Delete a user from the system, permanently. This also deletes the user from Iterable

    HTTP Request


    No JSON body is accepted or returned. A 204 status code will be returned upon success.

    Astro User Relations

    Users with an astro profile can be associated with other users as a "friend" or "crush". These relationships can be created, deleted, an retrieved by using the /relations endpoints. The use of these endpoints requires that your request be associated with a user.

    Get own user relations

    Get all user relations you've created. This includes both friends and crushes. Keep in mind that relations are "one-way", so this endpoint won't return relations that other users have created for you.

    HTTP Request


        "id": "5c183708e775d306c377dcf5",
        "user_id": "5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958",
        "followed_user_id": "59dcea52ae54a32d39706782",
        "type": "crush",
        "created_at": "2018-12-17T23:53:44.916Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-18T01:39:13.792Z"

    Get another user's relations

    Get the user relations of any user. This will only return "friend" relations, because "crush" relations are private and can only be seen with the /astro/me/relations endpoint.

    HTTP Request


        "id": "5fcd773c603d577e807381c5",
        "user_id": "59dcea52ae54a32d39706782",
        "followed_user_id": "5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958",
        "type": "friend",
        "created_at": "2018-12-17T23:53:44.916Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-18T01:39:13.792Z"

    Create user relation

    Associate yourself with another user as a "friend" or "crush". Crushes are private to you.

    HTTP Request

    POST with a payload of application/json data.

        "followed_user_id": "5aa6ad57113c9e0008d9c958",
        "type": "friend"

    Delete user relation

    Deletes a previously created user relation.

    HTTP Request


    The id in the URL can either be: - the id of the user relation - the followed_user_id of the user relation

    Pseudo Users

    Pseudo Users are similar to astro user relations, except that the followed user is fake (i.e., not a real user in the app).

    The /pseudo_users endpoints provide a means of creating, deleting, and retrieving pseudo users. The use of these endpoints requires that your request be associated with a user.

    Get own pseudo users

    Get all pseudo users you've created.

    HTTP Request


        "id": "5c183708e775d306c377dcf5",
        "name": "Squall Leonhart",
        "zodiac": "leo",
        "type": "crush",
        "created_at": "2018-12-17T23:53:44.916Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-12-18T01:39:13.792Z"

    Create pseudo users

    Create a new pseudo user.

    HTTP Request

    POST with a payload of application/json data.

        "name": "Squall Leonhart",
        "zodiac": "leo",
        "type": "crush",

    Delete pseudo users

    Delete a previously created pseudo user.

    HTTP Request


    The id in the URL must be the id of the pseudo user that you want to delete.


    Collections provide a way of creating playlists of videos.

    Collection Object

    Fetch a collection by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/collections/<ID>

      "id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
      "publish_date": 1523920228861,
      "slug": "vice-weed-week",
      "summary": null,
      "dek": "Now with more weed. Starts 4/16. Ends 4/20.",
      "schedule_end_date": null,
      "original_id": 406,
      "title": "Weed Week",
      "urls": [
      "collection_items_count": 2,
      "collection_items": [
          "collection_id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
          "video_id": "5acd0acef1cdb361de3b33b1",
          "position": 0,
          "video": {
            // Video Object
          "collection_id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
          "video_id": "5acd0ab6f1cdb361e8195c52",
          "position": 1,
          "video": {
            // Video Object
      "url": "",
      "caption": null,
      "credit": null,
      "filename": "1523920209972-SHORTIES_VICE_BLUNTED_SMOKEABLES_CHIPCAN_VV_CLEAN_V1_04131800_03_00_16Still010.jpeg",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center",
      "topics": [
      "system_tags": [
      "genres": [
      "primary_topic": null
      "id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
      "legacy_id": 406,
      "created_at": 1492181963304,
      "updated_at": 1492181965161,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content Policy Object
      "base": {
        // Base Object
      "meta": {
        // Meta Object
      "slugs": [
        // Array of Slug Objects
      "slug": {
        // Slug Object
      "lede": {
        // Image Object
      "collection_items": [
          "collection_id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
          "video_id": "5acd0acef1cdb361de3b33b1",
          "position": 0,
          "locale_scope": 1,
          "created_at": null,
          "updated_at": 1524176036033,
          "article_id": null,
          "video": {
            // Video Object
          "collection_id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
          "video_id": "5acd0ab6f1cdb361e8195c52",
          "position": 1,
          "locale_scope": 1,
          "created_at": null,
          "updated_at": 1524176036036,
          "article_id": null,
          "video": {
            // Video Object
      "topics": [
        // Array of Topic Objects

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 58f4cd7473e7c17a75526deb
    publish_date number true An alias for content_policy.published_at 1523920228861
    slug string (v1) true An alias for slug.slug vice-weed-week
    slug Slug Object (v1.1) true A Slug Object Slug Object
    summary string true An alias for meta.summary Inside the Crisis Actor Conspiracy Movement
    dek string true An alias for meta.dek Now with more weed. Starts 4/16. Ends 4/20.
    schedule_end_date number true An alias for content_policy.schedule_end_date 1523920228861
    legacy_id number true Legacy ID reference 123
    original_id number true An alias for legacy_id 123
    title number true An alias for base.display_title or base.title Weed Week
    urls array(string) true An array of urls the collection is available at []
    collection_items array(object) true An array of mappings of collection to video { collection_id: 123, video_id: 123 }
    collection_items_count number true Number of items in collection_items 2
    content_policy Content Policy Object true A Content Policy Object Content Policy Object
    base Base Object true A Base Object Base Object
    meta Meta Object true A Meta Object Meta Object
    lede Image Object true A Image Object Image Object

    Collection list

    Fetch a list of collections

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/collections

    This request will return an array of collections, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of collection objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    legacy_id string Filter by the legacy id of an item 123
    id string Find by the id of an item 57a204088cb727dec794c67f
    slug number Filter by the slug of an item vice-weed-week

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    id Sort by the id
    published_at Sort by content_policy.published_at
    created_at Sort by content_policy.created_at
    updated_at Sort by content_policy.updated_at
    deleted_at Sort by content_policy.deleted_at
    schedule_end_date Sort by content_policy.schedule_end_date

    Create or update a Collection

    Create or update a collection

    HTTP Request

    Create article POST

    Update article PATCH<ID>

    POST /v1.1/collections or PATCH /v1.1/collections/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "base": {
        "title": "Weed Week",
        "display_title": "Weed Week"
      "meta": {
        "dek": "Now with more weed. Starts 4/16. Ends 4/20."
      "collection_items": [
          "collection_id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
          "video_id": "5acd0ab6f1cdb361e8195c52",
          "position": 0,
          "locale_scope": 1,
          "created_at": null,
          "updated_at": 1524598975096,
          "article_id": null
          "collection_id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
          "video_id": "5acd0acef1cdb361de3b33b1",
          "position": 1,
          "locale_scope": 1,
          "created_at": null,
          "updated_at": 1524598975081,
          "article_id": null
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    collection_items array(object) An array videos in this playlist. Must have the fields, at least, of { "video_id": ""5a382683177dd40315151ad5"", "position": 0 } false

    Delete Collection

    Removes collection from visibility

    HTTP Request


    Add, Delete or Update a lede for a Collection

    Adds an associated lede to the collection, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<ID>/lede

    Update an image PATCH<ID>/lede/<LEDE ID>

    Delete an image DELETE<ID>/lede/<LEDE ID>


    Sets provide a way of creating content series. Sets can contain articles, videos, or linkouts, and they support various properties for curation such as a title, text color, content ordering, and more.

    Set list

    Fetch a list of sets.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/sets

    This request will return an array of sets, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of set objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    web_id string Filter by the web_id of an item 123
    site_id string Find by the site_id of an item 57a204088cb727dec794c67f

    Set Object

    Fetch a Set by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/sets/<ID>

      "id": "5bc78b4ae46858000600a89f",
      "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c567",
      "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
      "title": "VICE Guide to Life",
      "background_color": null,
      "text_color": "dark",
      "dek": "Our imperfect advice on becoming an adult",
      "display_type": "standard",
      "themed_background_position": "top",
      "lede_type": "none",
      "hide_title": false,
      "call_to_action_text": "Welcome to the VICE Guide to Life, our imperfect advice on becoming an adult.",
      "web_id": "vrnw6x",
      "slug": "vice-guide-to-life",
      "site": {
        // Site object
      "featured_set_image": {
        // Image object
      "url": "",
      "alt_text": "vgtl-169",
      "caption": null,
      "credit": null,
      "filename": "1559749353116-vgtl-169.png",
      "filesize": 0,
      "cover_json": null,
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url_16_9": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_1_1": ";0.2148xw,0xh",
      "thumbnail_url_2_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_10_4": ";0xw,0.1535xh",
      "thumbnail_url_10_3": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_7_10": ";center,center",
      "thumbnail_url_952_498": ";center,center"
      "id": "5bc78b4ae46858000600a89f",
      "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c567",
      "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
      "status_id": 3,
      "published_at": 1539805152155,
      "updated_at": 1559749457430,
      "created_at": 1539803978456,
      "title": "VICE Guide to Life",
      "background_color": null,
      "text_color": "dark",
      "dek": "Our imperfect advice on becoming an adult",
      "display_type": "standard",
      "themed_background_position": "top",
      "lede_type": "none",
      "hide_title": false,
      "call_to_action_text": "Welcome to the VICE Guide to Life, our imperfect advice on becoming an adult.",
      "legacy_id": 1,
      "slug": "vice-guide-to-life",
      "lede": {
        // Image object
      "featured_set_image": {
        // Image object
      "locale": {
        // Locale object
      "site": {
        // Site object
      "web_id": "vrnw6x",
      "urls": Array[1][
      "url": ""

    Create or update a Set

    Create or update a Set.

    HTTP Request

    Create Set POST

    Update Set PATCH<ID>

    POST /v1.1/sets or PATCH /v1.1/sets/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "lede_type": "none",
      "lede_id": "5a382683177dd40315151ad5",
      "featured_set_image_id": "5a382683177dd40315151ad6",
      "themed_background_position": "top",
      "display_type": "standard",
      "background_color": null,
      "text_color": "dark",
      "hide_title": false,
      "status_id": 3,
      "published_at": 1565712167405,
      "title": "VICE Guide to Life",
      "dek": "Our imperfect advice on becoming an adult",
      "call_to_action_text": "Welcome to the VICE Guide to Life",
      "slug": "vice-guide-to-life",
      "set_items": [
          "article_id": "5bdc77f6595ea8000613421f",
          "position": 0,
          "layout": "standard"
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    set_items array(object) An array of articles/videos/linkouts in this set. Must have the fields, at least, of { "layout": "standard", "position": 0 }, plus article_id, video_id, or linkout_id false

    Delete Set

    Removes the Set from visibility.

    HTTP Request


    Add, Delete or Update a lede for a Set

    Adds an associated lede to the Set, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource.

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<ID>/lede

    Update an image PATCH<ID>/lede/<LEDE ID>

    Delete an image DELETE<ID>/lede/<LEDE ID>

    Change Set items

    Change the items within a Set.


    PUT /v1.1/sets/<ID>/items

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
    // Array of Set items
        "article_id": "5bdc77f6595ea8000613421f",
        "position": 0,
        "layout": "standard"
        "video_id": "123204088cb727dec794c890",
        "position": 1,
        "layout": "standard"

    Order Set items

    Reorder the items within a Set, in a single request.


    PUT /v1.1/sets/<ID>/items/order

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
    // Array of Set items
        "id": "57a204088cb727dec794c123",
        "position": 0
        "id": "123204088cb727dec794c890",
        "position": 1


    Feeds is responsible for serving non-HTML formatted data collections, such as XML sitemap docs for SEO.

    Sitemap Homes

    Fetch a list of sitemaps for each locale in a site

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""

    HTTP Request


    Required Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    site string site name vice-videos


    Fetch a list of sitemaps for resources in a site

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""

    HTTP Request


    Required Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    site string site name vice-videos
    locale string locale to filter by en_ca

    Sitemap Resource

    Fetcheas a sitemap of resources in a site for a locale

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      xmlns:xhtml="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description Example
    resource enum('articles', 'videos', 'topics') resource to get urls for articles

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    site string site name vice true
    locale string locale to filter by en_us true
    page integer page of results 1 false

    Sitemap History

    Fetcheas a list of sitemaps for a site in a locale grouped by month and year

            "year": 2018,
            "month": 5,
            "count": 17,
            "oldest": 1525134238128,
            "newest": 1525206716520,
            "urls": [
            "year": 2018,
            "month": 4,
            "count": 451,
            "oldest": 1522642758866,
            "newest": 1525131380502,
            "urls": [
            "year": 2018,
            "month": 3,
            "count": 422,
            "oldest": 1519862738233,
            "newest": 1522502214141,
            "urls": [
            "year": 2018,
            "month": 2,
            "count": 379,
            "oldest": 1517464994310,
            "newest": 1519858800000,
            "urls": [
            "year": 2018,
            "month": 1,
            "count": 433,
            "oldest": 1514906400000,
            "newest": 1517440500000,
            "urls": [

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description Example
    resource enum('articles', 'videos') resource to get history for articles

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    site number site bitwise 1 true
    locale number locale bitwise 1 true

    News Sitemap

    Fetcheas a sitemap of resources in a site for a locale formatted specifically for Google News

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
          <news:title>In Defense of Sneaking Food into Movie Theaters</news:title>
          <news:keywords>Op-Ed,movie theater</news:keywords>
          <news:title>32 Grilling Recipes to Release Your Inner Grill Dad This Summer</news:title>
          <news:keywords>Make this,Recipe,grilling,how to grill a steak,summer grilling recipes,how to light a grill</news:keywords>
          <news:title>Mother Accidentally Serves Children Literal Bowl of (Pasta) Dicks</news:title>
          <news:title>300 Million Cockroaches Eat Restaurant Waste on This Chinese Farm</news:title>
          <news:keywords>bugs,china,cockroaches,food waste,restaurant waste</news:keywords>
          <news:title>Why You Eat Your Feelings, According To Science</news:title>
          <news:keywords>The Ice Cream Show,Ice Cream,dopamine,seratonin,nutritionist,dana james,nutritional therapy</news:keywords>
          <news:title>Jerk Chicken</news:title>
          <news:keywords>Recipe,Chicken,dinner,Matty Matheson,easy,jerk chicken,poultry,suppertime,it's suppertime</news:keywords>
          <news:title>No, Dunkaroos Aren't Coming Back, Despite What Twitter Says</news:title>
          <news:keywords>Dunkaroos,cookies,hoax,fake news,twitter hoax</news:keywords>
          <news:title>Vegan Man Doxxes Vegan Woman for Giving Dairy Ice Cream to Crying Child</news:title>
          <news:keywords>Vegan,Twitter,the internet,Rude,veganism</news:keywords>
          <news:title>Starbucks Plans to Make Fewer 'Limited-Edition' Monstrosities Like the Unicorn Frappucino</news:title>
          <news:keywords>Starbucks,frappuccinos,frappuccino,unicorn frappuccino</news:keywords>
          <news:title>Most Baristas Still Don't Make a Living Wage</news:title>
          <news:keywords>labor,coffee,wages,Starbucks,Fair Trade</news:keywords>

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    site string site name munchies true
    locale string locale to filter by en_us true
    topic_slug slug slug object See slug object for details cupcake false

    Sitemap RSS

    Fetcheas an rss feed of the latest videos or articles

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <rss version="2.0"
        <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"></atom:link>
        <description>RSS feed for</description>
        <pubDate>Tue, 01 May 2018 20:57:20 +0000</pubDate>
            <![CDATA[Chuck Palahniuk Hung Out with 'Separatists of Every Stripe' for New Novel ]]>
          <pubDate>Tue, 01 May 2018 20:57:20 +0000</pubDate>
          <guid isPermaLink="false">paxn4z</guid>
          <enclosure url="" length="0" type="image/jpeg"></enclosure>
          <dc:creator>Peter Rugh</dc:creator>
          <dc:creator>Brian McManus</dc:creator>
          <category>FIGHT CLUB</category>

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    site string site name munchies true
    locale string locale to filter by en_us true
    page integer page of results 1 false


    Features provide an ordered list for exposing playlists on the video homepage.

    Feature Object

    Fetch a feature by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/features/<ID>

      "id": "5ad52d7c3e2be000079d2b59",
      "position": 0,
      "legacy_id": 582,
      "title": "Weed Week",
      "label": "Now with more weed. Starts 4/16. Ends 4/20.",
      "lede": null,
      "collection_items": [
      "id": "5ad52d7c3e2be000079d2b59",
      "feature_type": null,
      "position": 0,
      "legacy_id": 582,
      "button_text": null,
      "title": "Weed Week",
      "label": "Now with more weed. Starts 4/16. Ends 4/20.",
      "created_at": 1523920252550,
      "updated_at": 1524594833150,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content Policy Object
      "lede": null,
      "collection_items": [
          "feature_id": "5ad52d7c3e2be000079d2b59",
          "collection_id": "58f0e3cbdab96771063f9864",
          "locale_scope": 1,
          "created_at": null,
          "updated_at": 1523920252871,
          "feature": {
            "id": "5ad52d7c3e2be000079d2b59",
            "feature_type": null,
            "position": 0,
            "legacy_id": 582,
            "button_text": null,
            "title": "Weed Week",
            "label": "Now with more weed. Starts 4/16. Ends 4/20.",
            "created_at": 1523920252550,
            "updated_at": 1524594833150,
            "content_policy": {
              // Content Policy Object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 58f4cd7473e7c17a75526deb
    legacy_id number false Legacy Id reference 123
    position number true The position of the feature 0
    title string true The title of the feature to display Weed Week
    label string true The label of the feature to display Now with more weed. Starts 4/16. Ends 4/20.
    button_text string true The text to display on the button Weed week button
    feature_type enum(card, carousel, collection, featured_show, show) true The type of the feature collection
    collection_items array true Array of collections associated with this feature []
    content_policy content policy object true The content policy associated with this entry See content policy object for details

    Feature list

    Fetch a list of features, by default this list is ordered by position ascending

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/features

    This request will return an array of feature objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of feature objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    title string Filter by the title of items Wee%20Week
    position number Filter by the position of an item 0
    id string Find by the id of an item 57a204088cb727dec794c67f
    status number Filter by the status_id of an item 3

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    id Sort by the id
    position Sort by position
    title Sort by title

    Create or update a feature

    Create or update a feature

    HTTP Request

    Create article POST

    Update article PATCH<ID>

    POST /v1.1/features or PATCH /v1.1/features/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "feature_type": null,
      "position": 17,
      "button_text": null,
      "title": "dasd",
      "label": "dasd",
      "created_at": 1524596749023,
      "collection_items": [
          "collection_id": "5a7103cff8c0f15a99cbd212"
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    position number What order this item should appear in false
    title string(255) The title of the feature to display false
    label string(255) The label of the feature to display false
    button_text string(255) The text to display on the button false
    feature_type enum(card, carousel, collection, featured_show, show) The text to display on the button false
    collection_items array(object) An array of objects describing which collections are associated with this feature false

    Delete feature

    Removes feature from visibility

    HTTP Request


    Order features

    Reorder multiple features at once. Will update the positions and content_policy.status_id of each entry.


    PUT /v1.1/features/order

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      // Array of feature objects


    Permissions is responsible for managing a CMS user's permissions.

    List Roles

    Gets a list of user roles.

        "name": "writer",
        "role": {
          "permissions": ["draft-articles", "edit-articles", "use-dam"],
          "description": "Can create, edit & save drafts of posts/videos, and view published content."
        "name": "translator",
        "role": {
          "permissions": [
          "description": "Can create, edit, view & translate posts and videos."

    HTTP Request


    Get User Role

    Gets a role's description and permissions.

      "permissions": ["draft-articles", "edit-articles", "use-dam"],
      "description": "Can create, edit & save drafts of posts/videos, and view published content."

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    role string a valid role writer true

    Update User Role

    Creates or replaces a user role

        "description": "Can create, edit & save drafts of posts/videos, and view published content.",
        "permissions": [

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    role string Role name writer true

    Request Body Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    description string Description of role Can create, edit & save drafts of posts/videos, and view published content. true
    permissions string[] Array of permissions [ "draft-articles", "edit-articles" ] true

    Delete User Role

    Deletes a user role

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    role string Role name writer true

    Get User Permissions

    Gets a list of a user's permissions.

      "permissions": [

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    user_id string ID of user 576afa894d99ca4a1df5d197 true

    Update User Permissions

    Creates or replaces a user's permissions.

      "permissions": ["draft-articles", "edit-articles"]

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    user_id string ID of user 576afa894d99ca4a1df5d197 true

    Request Body Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    permissions string[] Array of permissions [ "draft-articles", "edit-articles" ] true

    Delete User Permisisons

    Deletes a user's permissions

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example Required
    user_id string ID of user 58bf2fa8229a9f220da3139a true


    Returns a list of the newest articles or videos, sorted in descending published_at order.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/latest

    This request will return an array of article or video objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of article or video objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    topic_id string Filters results to only those associated with the given topic 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    nsfw boolean Filter results by not safe for work flag true
    contributor_id string Filters results to only those associated with the given contributor 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    section_id string Filters results to only those associated with the given section 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    type 'videos' or 'articles' Only return resources of the given type. If excluded will return both articles
    not_id string Exclude resources with this id from the returned results 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782


    Modules provide a means of defining reusable components which can be associated with dynamically changing data, such as a collection of items or reference to a secondary api request.

    Module Object

    Fetch a module by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/modules/<ID>

      "id": "58ecff8a3797504e6e539d7a",
      "module_id": "58ecff8a3797504e6e539d7a",
      "module_type": "grid",
      "title": "Homepage - VICE",
      "position": 1,
      "content_source_type": null,
      "content_source_id": null,
      "api_items_path": "/modules/58ecff8a3797504e6e539d7a/items",
      "api_items_url": "",
      "display_preference": "default",
      "article": null,
      "video": null,
      "linkout": null,
      "collection": null
      "id": "58ecff8a3797504e6e539d7a",
      "content_source_id": null,
      "article_id": null,
      "video_id": null,
      "linkout_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "content_source_type": null,
      "title": "Homepage - VICE",
      "display_preference": "lede",
      "module_type": "grid",
      "position": 1,
      "api_items_path": "",
      "created_at": 1491926922227,
      "updated_at": 1524516483142,
      "content_policy": {
        // Content Policy Object
      "display_settings": {
        // Display Settings Object
      "content_policies": [
        // Array of Content Policy Objects
      "article": {
        // Optional Article Object
      "video": {
        // Optional Video Object

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the object 58f4cd7473e7c17a75526deb
    module_id string false Alias of id 58f4cd7473e7c17a75526deb
    module_type enum(grid, hero, carousel, live-hero, news, sections, lede, latest, features) true Describes the type of content the module holds 0
    title string true The title identifying the module Homepage - VICE
    position number true The position of the module grid
    content_source_type string true A description of the type of data contained in the module collections
    content_source_id string true An identifier for the type of data held in the module 58f4cd7473e7c17a75526deb
    api_items_path string true A url path relative to the api that can be used to retrieve several items associated with this module. For /v1/ routes it will be defaulted to the modules /items/ route. For /v1.1/ it will simply mirror what is saved in the database /modules/58ecff8a3797504e6e539d7a/items
    api_items_url string true A fully qualified url that can be hit for more items associated with this module
    display_preference string true Description for the preferred display type default
    article article object true The article associated with this module See article object for details
    video video object true The video associated with this module See video object for details
    linkout linkout object true The linkout associated with this module See linkout object for details
    collection collection object true The collection associated with this module See collection object for details
    content_policy content policy object true The content policy associated with this entry See content policy object for details
    content_policies array([content policy object])( true The content policy associated with this entry See content policy object for details

    Module list

    Fetch a list of modules, by default this list is ordered by position ascending

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/modules

    This request will return an array of module objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of module objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    id string Find by the id of an item 57a204088cb727dec794c67f
    slug number Filter by the associated slug some-module

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    id Sort by the id
    position Sort by position

    Create or update a module

    Create or update a module

    HTTP Request

    Create module POST

    Update module PATCH<ID>

    POST /v1.1/modules or PATCH /v1.1/modules/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "content_source_type": null,
      "content_source_id": null,
      "article_id": null,
      "video_id": null,
      "linkout_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "title": "Vice - Homepage",
      "display_preference": "lede",
      "position": 0,
      "module_type": "grid",
      "api_items_path": "/latest",
      "items": [
        // Instead of specifying an api path of pointing to a collection of items,
        // a list of manually curated items can be passed in to be associated directly
        // with this modules
          "position": 0,
          "article_id": "",
          "video_id": "",
          "linkout_id": "",
          "collection_id": "",
          "set_id": "",
          "section_id": ""
    Parameter and Type Description Required on create
    content_source_type string(45) Describe what specific model is being held (should only be used if you have corresponding content_source_id) false
    content_source_id hexIDString The id for the model type being held false
    article_id hexIDString The associated article id false
    video_id hexIDString The associated video id false
    linkout_id hexIDString The associated linkout id false
    collection_id hexIDString The associated collection id false
    title string(255) The title of the module false
    display_preference enum(lede, super-lede) How you prefer the module to be displayed false
    position number Control the ordering of the modules during default sorting false
    module_type enum(grid, hero, carousel) What kind of module this is false
    api_items_path string(255) URL path relative to the api from which associated items can be retrieved from false

    Module items

    Modules can also directly contain a number of associated items.

    Module Item Object

    // Module Item Object
      "module_id": "58ecff8a3797504e6e539d7a",
      "video_id": null,
      "article_id": "5ae03c80b34bd300087d4524",
      "linkout_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "position": 0,
      "id": "5ae03c80b34bd300087d4524",
      "type": "articles",
      "data": {
        // Object serializaion of the defined "type"
    // Module Item Object
      "module_id": "58ecff8a3797504e6e539d7a",
      "article_id": "5ae03c80b34bd300087d4524",
      "video_id": null,
      "linkout_id": null,
      "collection_id": null,
      "position": 0,
      "video": {
        // Optional Video Object
      "linkout": {
        // Optional Linkout Object
      "collection": {
        // Optional Collection Object
      "article": {
        // Optional Article Object

    Getting module items

    GET<API version>/modules/<ID>/items

    // /modules/<ID>/items response
      // Array of module item objects

    Update module items

    PATCH /v1.1/modules/<ID>/items

    // /modules/<ID>/items PATCH request
    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
    // /modules/<ID>/items PATCH request
      // Array of module item objects

    Delete module

    Removes module from visibility

    HTTP Request



    The trending endpoint returns the most popular videos, shows, or articles according to Google Analytics (this data is polled every few hours and cached) in descending order of number of views.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/trending

    This request will return an array of article, video, or show objects, for more details on pagination see

        "type": "videos", // Can be either "videos" or "articles" or "shows"
        "data": {
          // A video, article, or show object depending on the "type"

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    type 'videos' or 'articles' or 'shows' (defaults to 'videos') Only return resources of the given type. If excluded will return videos articles
    for_sites comma separated list of site names Allows you to specify sites to query against beyond your configured "site" scope munchies,broadly
    not_for_sites comma separated list of site names The inverse of 'for_sites', the included sites will be excluded munchies,broadly


    Full text search for Content API resources.

    Endpoints with a /v1.1/search/cms prefix use different search algorithms that favor CMS use cases. If you're looking for general search results, you should use the variants outside of the /cms namespace.

    Search Results

    The search results list resources in the Content API that match the q query parameter.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/search?q=news&model=videos

    GET<API version>/cms/search?q=news&model=videos

    This request will return an array of whichever resource is selected using the model query parameter. For more details on pagination see

        "data": [
            // array of video objects
        "meta": {
            "count": 28,
            "scores": [
                    "id": "5a54e471177dd46d0c255dfc",
                    "score": 0.833098
                    "id": "59b7e2ed701094a02a1bcc81",
                    "score": 0.6095448
                    "id": "5a01e013177dd40b875bc823",
                    "score": 0.60354394
                    "id": "586c2d03ef69730b72217adc",
                    "score": 0.5607406
                    "id": "583cf8829b1abab240292954",
                    "score": 0.5601336
                    "id": "582d238df80fd1af3a37db9f",
                    "score": 0.5594994
            "link": {
                "self": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos",
                "first": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos",
                "last": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=67&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos",
                "next": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=2&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos"

    This multi-model search is availble on all the search endpoints (/search, /cms/search, /typeahead, /cms/typeahead).

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/search?q=news&model=videos,shows

    You can also provide a comma-separated list in the model query parameter to retrieve results of multiple model searches in one request. These result sets will come back as independent result sets. Each model will have it's own set of pagination links provided in the meta section of the response, which will contain a self link, which is the link to query the current page of the current search, but only for that model, as well as next page, last page, previous page and first page.

        "data": {
            "videos": [
                // array of video objects
            "shows": [
                // array of show objects
        "meta": {
            "videos": {
                "count": 1675,
                "scores": [
                "link": {
                    "self": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos",
                    "first": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos",
                    "last": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=67&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos",
                    "next": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=2&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=videos"                
            "shows": {
                "count": 500,
                "scores": [
                "link": {
                    "self": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=shows",
                    "first": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=shows",
                    "last": "/v1/search/cms?site=8&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=news&cache=false&nsfw=1&all_published_content=0&platform=0&client_site=4294967295&client_locale=9223372036854775807&user_site_scope=9007199254740991&model=shows"

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    q string The terms to search. If contains any double-quoted phrases, the search will find exact phrase matches (if any) politics
    nsfw boolean Filter results by not safe for work flag true
    model string The model for which the search should be performed. videos
    status_id string Filter results based on their status_id 3
    date_range string Filter results by their published date using either an English timespan or a YYYYMMDD range. 2_hours or 20170803,20180101

    Typeahead Results

    The typeahead search results list resources in the Content API that match the q query parameter. This endpoint favors autocomplete style search by omitting body content and enables more robust partial matching.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/search/typeahead?q=news&model=videos

    GET<API version>/search/cms/typeahead?q=news&model=videos

    This request will return an array of whichever resource is selected using the model query parameter. For more details on pagination see

        "data": [
            // array of video objects
        "meta": {
            "count": 20,
            "scores": [
            "link": {

    Although recipe searches search through the articles collection, the query used for retrieving results differs in a few major ways: 1. Recipe searches put more emphasis on the body. This is useful for searching by ingredient names, cooking methods, accompanying foods/drinks, etc. 2. There is also more emphasis on partial title matches. Even if the recipe title is creative or overly descriptive, it will likely contain the name of the food being prepared, and this will trigger a match. 3. There is no age-decay on search results. For article searches, we expect that articles will lose relevance over time, and newer articles will be more sought-after. This is not necessarily so with recipes, so this search is done strictly based on content, and not age.

    All together, the /search/recipes endpoint will look for matches in the title, body, contributor list, topic list, and body. The /typeahead variant acts as a 'lite' version of this search, but will find partial-word matches in the title, and partial web_id matches.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/search/recipes?q=chicken

    This request will return an array of articles. For more details on pagination see

        "data": [
            // array of article objects
        "meta": {
            "count": 28,
            "scores": [
                    "id": "5a54e471177dd46d0c255dfc",
                    "score": 0.833098
                    "id": "59b7e2ed701094a02a1bcc81",
                    "score": 0.6095448
            "link": {
                "self": "/v1/search/recipes?site=4&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=chicken",
                "first": "/v1/search/recipes?site=4&locale=1&page=1&per_page=25&q=chicken",
                "last": "/v1/search/recipes?site=4&locale=1&page=4&per_page=25&q=chicken",
                "next": "/v1/search/recipes?site=4&locale=1&page=2&per_page=25&q=chicken"

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    q string The terms to search. If contains any double-quoted phrases, the search will find exact phrase matches (if any) chicken
    date_range string Filter results by their published date using either an English timespan or a YYYYMMDD range. 2_hours or 20170803,20180803


    Returns some statistics about articles and videos within the given date range. This currently powers the metrics found at the top of the CMS dashboard (new, edited, published from the past 24 hours), but could be used to retrieve time series data regarding the amount of content VICE has been creating.

    Available Statistics

    The following statistics are returned for both articles and videos:

    Name Description
    new The number of articles/videos created in the given date range that have a status of New
    draft The number of articles/videos updated in the given date range that have a status of Draft
    published The number of articles/videos that have been published in the given date range (and are still published)
    scheduled The number of articles/videos that are scheduled to be published in the future

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/stats?locale=1&site=1&date_range=24_hours

        "data": {
            "articles": {
                "new": 0,
                "scheduled": 2,
                "draft": 5,
                "published": 13
            "videos": {
                "new": 2,
                "scheduled": 0,
                "draft": 0,
                "published": 6

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    locale string Filter query by locale en_us
    site string Filter query by site vice
    date_range string Filter query by date range, accepts either English timespan or a YYYYMMDD range 24_hours, 30_days, 20170803,20180803


    Using the /related endpoints, clients can fetch a list of articles related a given article, or videos related to a given video.

    How Related Items Are Found:
    There are several factors that go into making the decision which articles/videos are related to the current object. Things considered (listed in order of importance) are extractions, primary topic, topic list, contributors, as well as the most relevant keywords from the title, dek, and body. Most relevant keywords are determined using the TF-IDF algorithm (words that appear most in the current article, and least in the entire collection of articles).

    Note: By default, these endpoints will return the top 25 scoring articles or videos. If you don't need all of these, it is advisable to use the per_page parameter in your request. For more details on pagination, see

    Related Article List

    Fetch a list of articles related to the current one

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/related/articles/<ID>

    This request will return an array of articles, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of article objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    date_range string Filter results by their published date using either an English timespan or a YYYYMMDD range. 2_hours, 5_days, 20170803-20180803

    Fetch a list of videos related to the current one

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/related/videos/<ID>

    This request will return an array of articles, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of video objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    date_range string Filter results by their published date using either an English timespan or a YYYYMMDD range. 2_hours, 5_days, 20170803-20180803


    The /graphql route is used to communicate with the GraphQL API service and to run GraphQL queries in order to CRUD data.

    This service supports an Apollo GraphQL style schema. Please refer to the Apollo docs for more information.

    # This service supports an Apollo GraphQL style schema and should be formatted as follows:
      articles(locale: 1, site: 1, page: 1, per_page: 10){
    # You may also wish to request multiple resources in a single query:
      articles(locale: 1, site: 1){
      topics(slug: "stuff"){
    # Aliases can be used to request two of the same resource in a single query:
      vice: articles(locale: 1, site: 1){
      munchies: articles(locale: 1, site: 2){

    When accessing a union type

    Some resources, such as latest, have multiple possible datatypes that may be resolved. In order to tell GraphQL which fields need to be returned from a union per type, you must specify an inline fragment

      latest(locale:1, site: 1, type: "articles,videos"){
          ... on Article{
          ... on Video{

    HTTP Request

    POST<API version>/graphql

      "query": "articles(locale: 1, site: 1, page: 1, per_page: 10){ dek title contributions{ contributor{ full_name } } topics{ is_primary_topic name } thumbnail_url } }",

    Note: only POST requests are supported by this endpoint


    GraphIQL is a popular tool that allows users to explore a GraphQL endpoint with a helpful query builder tool as well as a response preview panel.

    It is recommended that you build more complex queries with the help of this interface, or simply use it to familiarize yourself with the GraphQL service, as it will import the entire service's schema and provide you with autocomplete suggestions.


    The secrets endpoint gives authorized API clients (currently only the CMS) access to managed secrets.

    Get a single secret

    Secrets are themselves JSON objects, containing multiple keys and values and possibly even nested structures


        "key": "value"

    Get multiple secrets


        "secret1": {
          "key": "value"
        "secret2": {
          "key": "value"

    Adding a secret

    Contact devops for adding a new secret to a given environment.

    Getting access

    New clients that need access to the secrets endpoint will need to reach out to the api team to have their account authorized for accessing this route.

    Scheduled Segments

    Scheduled segments are used to describe the presentational states of a client application over a span of time.

    Scheduled Segments List

    Fetch a list of scheduled segments. The default start time of these segments is the moment the request reaches the server.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/scheduled_segments

    This request will return an array of scheduled_segment objects

    Note that scheduled_segments are meant to be a continuous stream of presentational states. If there is a gap in segments, it will be on the client to fill that time with a fallback presentational state which will likely be pulled from homepage_carousel_items, or simply display nothing for that position.

        "id": "57a204058cb727dec794c570",
        "locale_id": "57a204068cb727dec794c573",
        "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c568",
        "video": <video object | null>,
        "start_time": 1544645123143,
        "end_time": 1544652337209,
        "event_type": "during-livestream",
        "display_position": "homepage-lede",
        "title": "VICELAND Goes Live Febuary 4th",
        "dek": "Lots of fun guests tonight",
        "promotional_text": "Tonight on VICELAND at 9pm EST",
        "cta_text": "Live tonight",
        "cta_url": "",
        "home_lede_clip":  "",
        "show_lede_clip":  "",
        "home_web_lede": <image object | null>,
        "home_app_lede": <image object | null>,
        "show_web_lede": <image object | null>,
        "show_app_lede": <image object | null>,


    Filed Name Description Enums
    start_time The beginning of a presentational state N/A
    end_time (nullable) The end of a presentational state N/A
    event_type The type of event ocurring. Generally used to tie to a presentational state pre-livestream, during-livestream, post-livestream
    display_position Where the presentational state should be displayed homepage-lede

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    site string or int
    locale string or int
    start_time (optional) int The beginning time of the desired list of scheduled_segments. Defaults to the current server time. 1549256400000
    end_time (optional) int The end time of the desired list of scheduled_segments. If not provided, will default to start_time + 6 hours in order to capture a potential full live show block 1549263600000

    Create/Update Scheduled Segment

    One important thing to note when creating a new scheduled_segment or when updating an existing one, is that segments with event_type of during-livestream will always create a blank video/content_policy/episode/season/show set with an autofilled uplynk_channel_id field for the video. The video_type for this video will also be set to live. The uplynk_channel_id is not used by the client. The field is used to retrieve the uplynk livestream by the VMS.


    Manage in-app subscription purchases.

    Subscription Object

    Fetch subscription details associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API Version>/subscriptions

      "user_id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
      "original_transaction_id": 123456789,
      "latest_receipt": "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",
      "subscription_level": "viceHoroscopeUnlimitedSubscription",
      "subscription_status": "active",
      "start_date": 1521486871766,
      "cancellation_date": null
      "user_id": "57a204088cb727dec794c67b",
      "original_transaction_id": 123456789,
      "latest_receipt": "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",
      "subscription_level": "viceHoroscopeUnlimitedSubscription",
      "subscription_status": "active",
      "start_date": 1521486871766,
      "cancellation_date": null

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    user_id string false ID of the user 57a204088cb727dec794c67b
    original_transaction_id number false Original Transaction ID for subscription. Provided by Apple. 123456789
    latest_receipt string false Most recent receipt associated with subscription, encoded. 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
    subscription_level string false The subscription's product ID in iTunes Connect viceHoroscopeUnlimitedSubscription
    subscription_status enum(active, expired, cancelled) false Status of the subscription active
    start_date number false Start date of the subscription in ms 1521486871766
    cancellation_date number true Cancellation date of the subscription in ms 1521486871766

    Notify API of New Subscription

    Creates a subscription record with details from Apple's in-app purchase receipt, linked to our user ID from the passed in token.

    HTTP Request

    POST<API Version>/subscriptions

      "receipt_data": "ICAidHdpdHRlcl91cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9WSUNFIiwKICAiZmFjZWJvb2tfdXJsIjogImh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmZhY2Vib29rLmNvbS9WSUNFIiwKICAiZmFjZWJvb2tfcGFnZV9pZCI6IG51bGwsCiAgImluc3RhZ3JhbV91cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9WSUNFIiwKICAieW91dHViZV91cmwiOiAiIiwKICAidHVtYmxyX3VybCI6ICIiLAogICJwaW50ZXJlc3RfdXJsIjogIiIsCiAgInJlZGRpdF91cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS91c2VyL3ZpY2UiLAogICJyZWRkaXRfaGFuZGxlIjogInZpY2UiLAogICJzb3VuZGNsb3VkX3VybCI6ICIiLAogICJ0d2l0Y2hfdXJsIjogIiIsCiAgInR3aXRjaF9oYW5kbGUiOiBudWxsLAogICJzaXRlX3Byb21vdGlvbmFsX21lc3NhZ2UiOiBudWxsLAogICJjb2xvciI6ICIjMDAwMDAwIiwKICAiZGVrIjogIlRoZSBkZWZpbml0aXZlIGd1aWRlIHRvIGVubGlnaHRlbmluZyBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbi4iCg=="
      "receipt_data": "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"
    Parameter and Type Required Description
    receipt_data string true Encoded receipt data returned by Apple upon completion of the in-app purchase


    A Product object contains information about the affiliate products promoted, such as the name, description, price, brand, retailers and currency.

    Products Object

    Fetch product details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/products/<ID>

      "id": "608612db832999009a886949",
      "name": "I'd Rather Be Dancing Bumper Sticker",
      "name_override": 0,
      "description": "",
      "category": {
        // Topic object
      "subcategory": {
        // Embeded topic object
      "contributor": {
        // Contributor object
      "brand": {
        // Brand object
      "currency_id": "5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358",
      "currency": {
        // Currency object
      "retailers": [
        // Array of retailers object
      "language": {
        // Language object
      "images": [
        // Array of images object
      "site": {
        // Site object
      "status_id": 3,
      "created_at": 1619399387242,
      "updated_at": 1619399387242,
      "published_at": 1619399387087
      "id": "608612db832999009a886949",
      "name": "I'd Rather Be Dancing Bumper Sticker",
      "name_override": 0,
      "description": "",
      "category": {
        // Topic object
      "subcategory": {
        // Embeded topic object
      "contributor": {
        // Contributor object
      "brand": {
        // Brand object
      "currency_id": "5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358",
      "currency": {
        // Currency object
      "retailers": [
        // Array of retailers object
      "language": {
        // Language object
      "images": [
        // Array of images object
      "site": {
        // Site object
      "status_id": 3,
      "created_at": 1619399387242,
      "updated_at": 1619399387242,
      "published_at": 1619399387087

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the product 608612db832999009a886949
    name string false The name of the product I'd Rather Be Dancing Bumper Sticker.
    name_override number false Flag to determine if the product name will be overwritten 0
    description string true Product description Cool bumper sticker
    category topic object true Primary topic for the product See topic object for details
    subcategory topic object true Secondary topic for the product See topic object for details
    contributor contributor object true The product contributor See contributor object for details
    brand brand object true The product brand See brand object for details
    currency_id string true Currency ID reference 5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358
    currency currency object true The product currency See brand object for details
    retailers array of retailer object false List of the product's retailers See retailer object for details
    language currency object true The product currency See brand object for details
    images array of image object true List of the product's images See image object for details
    site site object false Site the campaign belongs to See site object For Details
    status_id number false The status of the campaign item 3
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1619399387242
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1619399387242
    published_at number true Date in ms when the object was/will be published. 1619399387087

    Products list

    Fetch a list of products, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/products

    This request will return an array of products objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of products objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 608612db832999009a886949,609197698c6812009aa75249
    category_id string Filter products by a given category by id 5899ce62f857014f069d2384
    subcategory_id string Filter products by a given subcategory by id 582b24a782c77b49331897f3
    contributor_idstring Filter products contributed by a given contributor by id 57a2057c8cb727dec795ba25
    brand_id string Filter products by a given brand by id 60c789b55dea980095a74655
    retailer_id string Filter products by a given retailer by id 607094b28b5e0900969e9008
    currency_id string Filter products by a given currency by id 5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358
    site_id string Filter products by its original site ID where products was generated from 57a204058cb727dec794c567
    email string Filter topics by contributor email
    sort string Sort based on possible values, see bellow -first_name

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    first_name Sort by name

    Create or update product

    Create or update a product object

    Product objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    HTTP Request

    Create product POST<API version>/products

    Update product PATCH<API version>/products/<ID>

    POST /<API version>/products or PATCH /<API version>/products/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "name": "I'd Rather Be Dancing Bumper Sticker",
      "name_override": 0,
      "description": "Cool bumper sticker",
      "category_id": "5899ce62f857014f069d2384",
      "subcategory_id": "582b24a782c77b49331897f3",
      "contributor_id": "57a2091c154cbfdf93225340",
      "brand_id": "6091972f837ff80094508fd4",
      "currency_id": "5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358",
      "retailer_id": "607094b28b5e0900969e9008"
      "language_id": "31353736383164373124e0bb",
      "site_id": "57a204058cb727dec794c567",
      "status_id": 3,
      "created_at": 1619399387242,
      "updated_at": 1619399387242,
      "published_at": 1619399387087,
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    name string false The name of the product I'd Rather Be Dancing Bumper Sticker.
    name_override number false Flag to determine if the product name will be overwritten 0
    description string true Product description Cool bumper sticker
    category_id string true ID of the category 5899ce62f857014f069d2384
    subcategory_id string true ID of the subcategory 582b24a782c77b49331897f3
    contributor_id string true ID of the contributor 57a2091c154cbfdf93225340
    brand_id string true ID of the brand 6091972f837ff80094508fd4
    currency_id string true ID of the currency 5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358
    retailer_id string true ID of the category 607094b28b5e0900969e9008
    language_id string true ID of the language 31353736383164373124e0bb
    site_id string true ID of the site 57a204058cb727dec794c567
    status_id enum(1,2,3,4,5) true Status code that represents published state of the product 3
    created_at number true Date in ms when the object was created 1619399387242
    updated_at number true Date in ms when the object was updated 1619399387242
    published_at number true Date in ms when the object was/will be published. 1619399387087

    Delete product

    Removes product from visibility

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/products/<ID>

    Get product image object

    Fetch product image objects, for more details see image object.

    HTTP Request

    Fetch an image GET<API version>/products/<ID>/images

      // Array of image objects
      // Array of image objects

    Add or update product image objects

    Adds an image to the product, see image object for details on how to create or update an image resource. Only possible image types for products is gallery-image

    HTTP Request

    Add an image POST<API version>/products/<ID>/gallery-image

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        "product_id": "609197698c6812009aa75249",
        "image_type": "gallery-image", // Forcing this value
        // Image object
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    product_id string false The id of the product 609197698c6812009aa75249
    image_type enum('gallery-image') false Image type, send in the url gallery-image
    crop_<WIDTH_RATIO>_<HEIGHT_RATIO> string true Crop string of the possible crops by ratio (width_height) 16_9
    caption string true Image caption Super image caption
    credit string true Image credit Joe Cool
    cover_json string true Json representation of lede unit, for internal use only {}
    file stream false File to be uploaded, see above for supported content types and encodings ``

    Update an image PATCH<API version>/products/<ID>/gallery-image/<IMAGE ID>

    Add product embedded retailers

    Adds an embedded retailer to the product, see retailer object for details on how to create or update a retailer resource.

    HTTP Request

    Add an embedded retailer

    POST<API version>/products/<ID>/retailers

    POST /<API version>/products/<ID>/retailers

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
        "product_id": "609197698c6812009aa75249",
        "retailer_id": "607094b28b5e0900969e9008",
        "product_url": "",
        "price": "12.50",
        "sale_price": "9.99",
        "sponsorship_flag": 0,
        "impression_tracker_url": "",
        "click_tracker_url": ""
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    product_id string false ID of the product 609197698c6812009aa75249
    retailer_id string false ID of the retailer 607094b28b5e0900969e9008
    product_url string false URL of the product
    price string true The regular price of the product 12.50
    sale_price string true The sale price of the product 9.99
    sponsorship_flag enum(0,1) true Flag to show sponsored object 0
    impression_tracker_url string true The url to track impressions
    click_tracker_url string true The url to track number of clicks

    Delete product embedded retailers

    Removes product embedded retailer

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/products/<ID>/retailers/<RETAILER ID>


    A Brand is a resource that allows you to curate collections of products.

    Brand Object

    Fetch brand details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/brands/<ID>

      "id": "607094e3b1883e009d7e3268",
      "name": "ROMWE",
      "created_at": 1617990883165,
      "updated_at": 1617990883165
      "id": "607094e3b1883e009d7e3268",
      "name": "ROMWE",
      "created_at": 1617990883165,
      "updated_at": 1617990883165

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the brand 607094e3b1883e009d7e3268
    name string false The name of the brand ROMWE
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1617990883165
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1617990883165

    Brands list

    Fetch a list of brands, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/brands

    This request will return an array of brands objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of brands objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 608612db832999009a886949,609197698c6812009aa75249
    sort string Sort based on possible values, see bellow -name

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    name Sort by name

    Create or update brand

    Create or update a brand object

    brand objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    HTTP Request

    Create brand POST<API version>/brands

    Update brand PATCH<API version>/brands/<ID>

    POST /<API version>/brands or PATCH /<API version>/brands/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "name": "ROMWE",
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    name string false The name of the brand ROMWE

    Delete brand

    Removes brand from visibility

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/brands/<ID>


    A Currency is a resource that allows you to curate collections of products.

    Currency Object

    Fetch currency details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/currencies/<ID>

      "id": "5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358",
      "name": "US Dollar",
      "code": "USD"
      "id": "5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358",
      "name": "US Dollar",
      "code": "USD"

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the currency 5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358
    name string false The name of the currency US Dollar
    code string false The code of the currency (must be unique for the currency's site/locale scope) USD

    Currencies list

    Fetch a list of currencies, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/currencies

    This request will return an array of currency objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of currency objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 5fc7d1caa1a96d008bb68358,6269fa9f930d5e8384f9308e
    sort string Sort based on possible values, see bellow -name

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    name Sort by name

    Create or update currency

    Create or update a currency object

    currency objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    HTTP Request

    Create currency POST<API version>/currencies

    Update currency PATCH<API version>/currencies/<ID>

    POST /<API version>/currencies or PATCH /<API version>/currencies/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "name": "US Dollar",
      "code": "USD"
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    name string false The name of the currency US Dollar
    code string false The code of the currency (must be unique for the currency's site/locale scope) USD

    Delete currency

    Removes currency from visibility

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/currencies/<ID>


    A Retailer is a resource that allows you to curate collections of products.

    Retailer Object

    Fetch Retailer details by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/retailers/<ID>

      "id": "607094b28b5e0900969e9008",
      "name": "ROMWE",
      "created_at": 1617990834402,
      "updated_at": 1617990834402
      "id": "607094b28b5e0900969e9008",
      "name": "ROMWE",
      "created_at": 1617990834402,
      "updated_at": 1617990834402

    Object Properties

    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    id string false ID of the retailer 607094b28b5e0900969e9008
    name string false The name of the retailer ROMWE
    created_at number false Date in ms when the object was created 1617990834402
    updated_at number false Date in ms when the object was updated 1617990834402

    Retailers list

    Fetch a list of retailers, by default this list is ordered by id

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/retailers

    This request will return an array of retailer objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of retailer objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    ids string A comma-separated list of specific ids to retrieve. 607094b28b5e0900969e9008,60774f3a6f086c009c40919e
    sort string Sort based on possible values, see bellow -name

    Sorting Query Parameters Values

    Parameter Value Description
    name Sort by name

    Create or update retailer

    Create or update a retailer object

    retailer objects are created/updated when sending a resource create request e.g.

    HTTP Request

    Create retailer POST<API version>/retailers

    Update retailer PATCH<API version>/retailers/<ID>

    POST /<API version>/retailers or PATCH /<API version>/retailers/<ID>

    // Write operations are only permitted in v1.1
      "name": "ROMWE"
    Property and type Nullable Description Example
    name string false The name of the retailer ROMWE

    Delete retailer

    Removes retailer from visibility

    HTTP Request

    DELETE<API version>/retailers/<ID>


    Manage record of in-app purchases for one-time, consumable products. These endpoints provide server-side verification with Apple and allow for record keeping of users' 'balances' of each product offering.

    Retrieve User's Balances

    Fetch an aggregate list of each product the current user has purchased and their remaining balance of unused items for each, based on the user ID associated with the passed in token.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API Version>/consumables

        "product_id": "friendRequestAllowance",
        "balance": 5
        "product_id": "compatibilityCheckAllowance",
        "balance": 3
        "product_id": "friendRequestAllowance",
        "balance": 5
        "product_id": "compatibilityCheckAllowance",
        "balance": 3

    Object Properties

    Property and Type Nullable Description Example
    product_id string false Product ID from iTunes Connect friendRequestAllowance
    balance number false Remaining balance of unused purchases for this product 5

    Notify API of New In-App Purchase

    Creates a purchase record with details from Apple's in-app purchase receipt, linked to our user ID from the passed in token.

    HTTP Request

    POST<API Version>/consumables

      "receipt_data": "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",
      "was_redeemed": false
      "receipt_data": "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",
      "was_redeemed": false
    Parameter and Type Required Description
    receipt_data string true Encoded receipt data returned by Apple upon completion of the in-app purchase
    was_redeemed boolean false Defaults to true. Indicates whether or not this purchase was redeemed at the time of purchasing. If false, the user's available balance of this product type will be incremented and will be available for redemtion at a later time.

    Notify API of Redemption of Available Prior In-App Purchase

    If an in-app purchase has been made at an earlier time, but not redeemed right away, the user will have an available balance for that product type. This endpoint can be used to decrement the available balance of the appropriate product type.

    HTTP Request

    POST<API Version>/consumables/redeem

      "product_id": "friendRequestAllowance"
      "product_id": "friendRequestAllowance"
    Parameter and Type Required Description
    product_id string true Product ID that is being redeemed


    Returns the new aggregate available balance of only the product redeemed.

      "product_id": "friendRequestAllowance",
      "balance": 3
      "product_id": "friendRequestAllowance",
      "balance": 3
    Parameter and Type Nullable Description Example
    product_id string false Product ID from iTunes Connect friendRequestAllowance
    balance number false The new balance of the product type after redeeming one 3

    For You

    /for_you can best be thought of as a series of endpoints that are proxied through a personalization service which uses a daily-trained ML model that attempts to predict which topics and content attributes are best suited for particular users. Unless otherwise noted, the query parameters accepted by a /for_you/* endpoint are generally the same as its non-personalized counterpart.


    Returns a list of the newest articles or videos, first sorted in descending published_at order, and then reshuffled if the user has been trained into the model.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/for_you/latest

    This request will return an array of article or video objects, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of article or video objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    anon_id string (required) Anonymous user id to personalize response for 003bc9c3-0440-4812-b803-806e44d61207
    nsfw boolean Filter results by not safe for work flag true
    contributor_id string Filters results to only those associated with the given contributor 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782
    section_id string (comma separated) Filters results to only those associated with the given section(s) 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782,59dcea52ae54a32d39706783
    type 'videos' or 'articles' Only return resources of the given type. If excluded will return both articles
    not_id string Exclude resources with this id from the returned results 59dcea52ae54a32d39706782

    Fetch a list of articles or videos related to the current article or video, first sorted by similar to the current record then reshuffled if the user has been trained into the model.

    HTTP Request

    GET<API version>/related/<articles|videos>/<ID>

    This request will return an array of articles or videos, for more details on pagination see

      // Array of article or video objects

    Query Parameters

    Parameter and Type Description Example
    anon_id string (required) Anonymous user id to personalize response for 003bc9c3-0440-4812-b803-806e44d61207
    content_window_size number Number of records to fetch from the base endpoint before resorting 10
    model 'articles' or 'videos' Type of content to return articles
    date_range string Filter results by their published date using either an English timespan or a YYYYMMDD range. 2_hours, 5_days, 20190803-2019-0808